The Nothing That Is Everything

The Nothing That Is Everything

From nothing we came and to nothing we will return.

Nothingness contains everything and everything comes from it, everything is contained in it! In nothing we are the whole. The whole in us is nothing! To be nothing is to be everything! It's not all or nothing, but: nothing and everything, simultaneously. Nothingness manifests itself in birth, existence and death. Nothing always is!

Dwells in eternity, it is our origin and purpose! Nothingness is silence, chaos and mystery. In nothingness we find peace and transcend what is transitory.

Being nothing is liberating and awakens us from what is illusory. For in nothing we live the lightness of being! Love comes out of nowhere and manifests itself as what it is: pure energy, life, creation and transformation. Generating everything: construction, destruction and renovation! In nothingness the spirit rests and rejoices! In nothingness the being is filled by the whole! The whole does not have to be something. For he is everything and also nothing! In silence we feel the non-existence, the void, the nothingness! Simply, being what we are: the nothing that is everything! Being nothing, we integrate ourselves into the whole…

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