the mother archetype

    Archetypes bring a vibration that acts on our EMOTIONAL field and on our frequency. Each person, in particular, is living under a certain type of archetype, at a certain point in life. And today, I want to talk about the mother archetype. This archetype of splendorous, magnificent beauty that brings us the idea of ​​supreme love, care and protection. The mother figure represents charity, fertility, nourishment, care and fruitfulness; therefore, this archetype brings the idea of ​​prosperity, of managing and bearing one's own fruits to the world.

    When we talk about a mother, the idea of ​​the woman who takes care, who protects, who nourishes, who defends her children comes to mind. There are, however, mothers who are mean to their children. But, as a rule, mothers usually love unconditionally and, therefore, forgive and care for their offspring. The mother archetype represents the woman who generates, protects and loves. And therefore this concept of mother is already within the collective unconscious. The archetypal and primordial idea of ​​a mother is already so rooted in our subconscious that, when we perceive, for example, some children who have been mistreated and abused or abandoned by their mothers, we notice that these children spend almost – if not – their whole lives looking for of understanding, and even treatments to overcome the blocks that these behaviors of these mothers considered bad gave them. And many people question: “What kind of mother is this who abandoned her children, or who mistreated them?”. And some still say: “This behavior does not match what it is to be a mother”. And why do many of us often ask this kind of questioning? Precisely because of the idea that the mother archetype represents in the collective unconscious. I mean, the idea of ​​what it's like to be a mother is already heavily stored in everyone's subconscious; which is the idea of ​​that woman caretaker and protector of her children.

    the mother archetype
    Anastasia Gepp / Pexels

    When a child receives from a mother a treatment that is contrary to what the light side of this archetype represents - that is, love, affection, care, nutrition and protection -, in the vast majority of cases, a big problem is generated in the child's life, which from childhood to adulthood and maturity. Some people who had challenges with their mothers carry this pain even through their old age, even dying without resolving these painful situations faced with their mothers. The lives of these children become heavy and blocked. And that's why it's very important to reframe any unresolved issue with the mother. For once we have this shadow permeating our unconscious, we will have many difficulties in life. The energy of prosperity is blocked, as the mother archetype represents generating, nurturing, bearing fruit and releasing its fruits to the world. The mother conceives, incubates, nurtures and patiently waits for her baby's nine-month developmental process, then lets it be born. In other words, the mother puts a life into the world and takes care of it.

    • Archetypes and Goddesses
    • What is being a mother?
    • Learn to deal with your child
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    The energy of this archetype is very important for us to be able to give ourselves, express ourselves and put our love in the world. If there may be problems that have not yet been truly resolved with the mother, we are also unable to receive the love of the world. And that's because the energy of prosperity gets blocked in us, by the shadows of our wounded and hurting inner child. Therefore, if you face any difficulties in your relationship with your mother, you need to forgive her! But before you can forgive her, you need to forgive yourself! Your inner child is hurt. And you need to care for, love, forgive, protect and welcome your inner child.

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