Day of Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Discover the symbolism of this date!

Day of Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Discover the symbolism of this date!

One of the main dates for those who believe in angels and are close to spirituality is the Day of the Archangels. Celebrated on September 29, the day refers to the main archangels, such as Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

According to Christian tradition, the archangels are the guardians of God. They are also defined as prominent saints for the Catholic Church, being mentioned briefly in several passages of the Bible, as in the books Revelation, Jude and Daniel.

It is possible to find echoes and versions of the archangels in other religions. Through the process of syncretism with Christianity, for example, they are seen as Oguns in Umbanda. It is also customary to make an approximation of them with some Hindu gods worshiped in India.

Next, learn more about the characteristics of each archangel and learn the best ways to connect with them. Reflect on the main lessons that your stories can contain and how to seek peace through the help of these beings of light.

Archangel Michael

Michael is the only archangel whose name is revealed in the texts of the Bible, which means β€œlike God”. Therefore, it is not by chance that he occupies a space next to the Creator: he is seen as a very faithful being and guardian of God. Without going into too much detail, some passages explain the role played by Miguel during important events. In Revelation 12:7, he is said to lead the divine army in the fight against the Devil. Already in Daniel 10:12-13, Michael is described as an entity that gives support to the other angels.

For such characteristics, this archangel is considered a protective and powerful saint. Able to assist in balancing and clearing charged auras, he has full ability to guide his followers towards the best purpose in life. A famous experience is the Archangel Michael's 21-day prayer.

For 21 days in a row, including Saturdays and Sundays, you must say the famous prayer to the Archangel. The religious act can be done anywhere, but it is recommended that it be at the residence itself, in a calm and introspective moment. Prayer has the power to solve problems, open paths and bring a sense of peace to people who are in turbulent times.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the great messenger of God and the meaning of his name is β€œGod is my protector”. Gabriel was responsible for taking the message of Elizabeth's pregnancy to Zacharias and also to Mary about the birth of the baby Jesus.

So that Mary would not be judged by St. Joseph and others, he sent the message through dreams to him. Archangel Gabriel has a feminine and maternal essence. He is present in all periods of pregnancy, from beginning to end, and is also considered responsible for sending new souls to earth.

Archangel Gabriel possesses the healing power for menstrual cycle, cervix and breast cancer. It still helps clean our body and is also able to transform everything to help us achieve our goals.

Archangel Raphael

Angel of providence, Raphael has the meaning of "God's Healing". He was one of the only ones to live with men through his human form. Archangel Raphael's mission is to help heal physical and emotional wounds. He is not just a healer, he is also the greatest helper of all others who promote healing.

Archangel Raphael is also the angel who accompanies travelers and keeps them under his care until they reach home. Rafael's great mission is to teach how we can protect ourselves from spiritual and physical evils.

The energy of the Day of the Archangels

We can see that the archangels are really very powerful, in addition to being great allies of God and the kingdom of heaven. These celestial beings can do great things in our lives, especially on Archangels Day!

Receive all the energy of the good news from Archangel Gabriel, healing from Archangel Raphael and the superior protection of Archangel Michael. Always remember that the kingdom of heaven is always listening to you and they are always interceding for all of us! Light your candle, say a heartfelt prayer and let them work in your life.

Connect with the archangels that day

On Archangels Day, be ready for a clean, healthy connection with protectors. Wake up early, get moving, take a moment for introspection and say prayers for these beings of light to make contact with them. Also, be open to receiving the energies, as the Day of the Archangels marks an exchange between all of us and the Guardian Saints. Meditate silently, in a corner of your home or in a place that you feel brings you peace, or say prayers next to a glass full of water.

Prayer to the three Archangels – circle of light and protection

Archangel Michael – Guardian Prince and Warrior,
defend me and protect me with your sword,
I allowed no harm to come to me.

Protect me against assaults, robberies, accidents,
against any acts of violence.
Get rid of negative people.

Spread your mantle and your shield of protection
in my home, my children and family.

Keep my job, my business and my goods.

Bring peace and harmony.

Archangel Raphael – Guardian of health and healing,
I ask that your healing rays descend on me,
giving me health and healing.

Guard my physical and mental body,
getting rid of all diseases.

Expand your healing beauty in my home,
my children and family, in the work I do,
for the people I live with on a daily basis.

Keep discord away and help me to overcome conflicts.

Archangel Raphael, transform my soul and my being,
so that I can always reflect your Light.

Archangel Gabriel – Bringer of Good News,
of changes, wisdom and intelligence,
Archangel of the Annunciation, bring good and optimistic messages every day.

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Make me also a messenger,
uttering only words and acts of kindness and positivism.

Grant me the reach of my goals.

Dear Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel,
May the Circle of Light and Protection that emanates from you cover me,
my family, my friends, my possessions and all humanity.

Through a connection with the three archangels, you can be sure that your life will have major transformations! Harmony, peace and much healing for your life!

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