The moment asks us to vibrate unconditional love!

    We are going through a very complicated period for all humanity. There are so many things happening at the same time, that we are at a loss as to what to do to help the planet on this journey of transformation.

    But our mission is now simple, because just the act of raising our vibrations and emanating these higher energies to the whole world is already a wonderful and transformed act.

    Vibrating unconditional love is about emanating this pure energy to everyone, without distinction, visualizing that even people seen as "bad" are involved in this healing energy.

    To do this, start with yourself, forgive your past, welcome your pain, love unconditionally the wonderful being that lives in you. Gradually expand this forgiveness, acceptance and love to your family, friends, people you have known throughout your life, then to strangers, to cities, states and so on until you reach the whole world!

    The moment asks us to vibrate unconditional love!
    Stokpic / Pexels / Canva

    In addition to emanating love, if you feel it in your heart, in everything you do, act with unconditional love. Help people who are in need of help in any way you can.

    Emanating love is also about taking action. Emanating love is about practicing active listening, helping people who are unable to do a number of things to stay in this challenging phase. It also has to do with saying welcoming words and everything that beats in your heart to reach afflicted hearts.

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    We are all here to evolve. The greater our sense of union and harmony among all beings, the higher our evolution here on this plane.

    Let's go together on this mission to cover the world with unconditional love?

    And if you need support, know that you can count on me.

    A kiss on your heart, be well!

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