the meeting with yourself

    Praying for something is pure arrogance. It is as if you, creature, were telling the Creator how he should proceed, because in a presumptuous way you show that you believe you are more prepared to decide what is best for you, but that's not all...

    When you ask for protection, for example, you are feeding the idea that you are weak, limited, unprepared, and it reinforces a mistaken belief in yourself. It ends up feeding ideas of incapacity, vulnerability, in short, lies that do not correspond to the great Being that you are.

    When you ask for material conquests, you are even more mistaken, as you believe that their realization depends on durable or non-durable consumer goods, things from an impermanent and illusory world. Realization is nothing like that, realization is knowing the Real, as the name itself says, this implies deconstructing an entire identification with the world of illusions that numbs you.

    When you cry out for justice, you are even being aggressive, because you think that someone has wronged you, you believe that you are a victim of universal incompetence, because it allowed such things to happen and that you are not the least bit deserving of the misfortunes that befall you.

    When you ask God to take away your pain, you are being accommodated. Do you really think that this pain didn't have a source, doesn't have a goal and can be pulled out with the hand?

    the meeting with yourself
    Edwin Andrade / Unsplash

    No, my friend, pain is necessary to provoke inflections in your conduct, without it you would not move, therefore there would be no growth.

    Pain pulls us out of inertia, motivates change, expands our understanding and develops our Consciousness.

    If you want to pray the right way, be silent. The best way to get in touch with God is through silence, which is why meditation is so powerful.

    Jesus taught us the Our Father. This prayer is perfect because it boils down to praise and thanksgiving.

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    When you want to ask for something, ask for strength and courage to withstand temptations, nothing more, the rest is just focus on gratitude.

    This is the most sensible way to pray, because repeating long and exhausting texts will certainly not bring you what you need most: the encounter with yourself.

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