The look of Humanistic Psychology

    Psychology studies the mind and behavior of human beings, and it takes many points of view in doing so. One of these ways of looking at being is called humanistic psychology. Its main characteristic is to understand the person as a whole, that is, it is based on the fact that there are many things and factors involved in the same person/situation. Everything is interconnected and converges, both feelings, thoughts, health and behavior.

    This line of thought emerged around the XNUMXth century and was an alternative to two other schools of psychology: behaviorism, which only analyzes behavior, and psychoanalysis, which consists of the interpretation of the unconscious.

    The look of Humanistic PsychologyThus, humanistic psychology seeks a different answer to the problems encountered, offering a solution focused on the health area. In addition, it has an approach that exalts mental well-being and seeks the positive attributes of life, treating each one individually, in a personal way and from different points of view.

    Some thinkers, like Sartre and Rousseau, are at the roots of this psychological line. They proposed that human life is based on freedom and emotions. Furthermore, the human being would be responsible for what surrounds his existence and, therefore, only he can find his way to freedom.

    The main precursors of humanistic psychology were Abraham Maslow, who is known for the β€œMaslow Pyramid”, which defines the order of human needs, from what is most basic, such as physiological needs, to what is more complex, such as self-fulfillment, and Carl Rogers, who proposes a therapeutic vision that brings a closer relationship to those who submit to humanistic psychology, so that they could more easily find their own β€œI”.

    β€œWe can choose to retreat toward safety or advance toward growth. The choice for growth has to be made over and over again. And fear has to be overcome at every moment.”

    - Abraham Maslow

    β€œIt is the client himself who knows what he suffers from, which direction to take, which problems are crucial, which experiences have been deeply repressed. I began to understand that in order to do more than demonstrate my own clairvoyance and wisdom, it was best to let the client direct the movement in the therapeutic process.”

    – Carl Rogers

    Still for Carl Rogers, people are in a dormant state and would only wake up being in touch with their own inner wisdom. The psychologist is a guide on this journey.

    Some characteristics of humanistic psychology are:

    – It has a holistic view of the human being, that is, it has the person as a whole. Each aspect (emotion, health, mind) has the same relevance in this rediscovery process. Everything is related and flows in the same way;

    – For human existence to happen, it is necessary to maintain relationships with other people, since it is only real from interpersonal contexts;

    – Everyone has the ability to make their own choices and, therefore, to take responsibility for them. Thus, one walks towards a development and encounter with one's own potential;

    – Seeks, facilitates and promotes personal evolution. In this case, the psychologist is a tool that helps the human being to understand himself more and to develop, but using his own resources;

    – Human beings already have the answers they seek outside. Therefore, humanistic psychology leads one to trust one's own wisdom, no longer controlling one's environment and emotions.

    In short, humanistic psychology seeks to understand the individual from a global perspective, understanding all aspects that are part and important to human beings. Every individual is a unique being, responsible for their existence and who must become aware of the resources they have within themselves. Only in this way will you be able to develop and reach self-fulfillment and your potential.

    Written by Gabrielle Career of Team Me Without Borders.

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