the light and the darkness

    “So let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

    These wise words are incentives for us to constantly seek the light. Without it, we see nothing in the physical realm. But this awakening is much deeper, as it requires the vision of our true world which is that of Spirit. For the diamond to reflect its brilliance, it must be cut. The Spirit, also imperfect, needs the grinding wheel so that its light can shine, obscured with the existential stains of the long evolutionary path.

    As long as we do not pay attention to this need, we are doomed to continue with the pain and suffering that plague us. Changes are necessary and the longer this process of refinement governed by the Divine Law is prolonged, the more suffering we will have, since, while the conscience is not totally freed, the demands will happen incessantly.

    Reaching the latent virtues in the Spirit, we will be following the words and example of Christ. Let us not forget that God is the Supreme Creator and we, as children, are co-creators. In John 10:34 it says, “Is it not written in your law, I said, You are gods?” With this assertion, our immense capacity for accomplishment is evident.

    Socrates (470 BC–399 BC) already said: “Know thyself”. Jesus, with his wisdom, taught us, according to John 8.32:XNUMX: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The knowledge of our Self will bring us the dormant truths and, when revealed by the awakening of our consciousness, will lead us to the necessary adjustment to follow the path of light.

    the light and the darkness
    Luis Dalvan / Pexels

    We can find it in the book Self-discovery – An interior search, psychography by Divaldo Pereira Franco, by the Spirit Joanna de Angelis, 17th Edition, pg.158: “The liberation of the deep Self occurs as it untangles itself from desires – raga (the passions) from the concept Buddhist — in order to achieve inner realization.”

    This process of transformation and renunciation of old habits, where pride and selfishness predominate, leads us to discomfort, since we are used to attitudes that conflict with humility and charity, basic virtues of being a Christian. In the work Voltei, 1st Edition – Editora FEB, psychography by Francisco Cândido Xavier, by Brother Jacob, item Novo Despertar, it says: “Now, watch, move in the worthy effort and be happy, my friend! Your light will grow with the expansion of your devotion to the Infinite Good.”

    • Uncover and give new meaning to the pages of your story
    • Find your inner light in times of crisis
    • Find out how your shadow can give way to your light
    • Find out how you can be one of the lightworkers

    We need to dive into our interior and expand the light that remains tenuous there. We will thus be consolidating our condition as co-creators of God's work, taking divine truths to everyone who lives with us. In this way, our lamp will not remain “under a bushel”. (Darkness shows nothing, it is anonymous, while light, being the truth, hides nothing).

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