The lessons that Chico Xavier left us

Francisco Cândido Xavier, popularly known only by the name of Chico Xavier, was one of the most (if not the most) important mediums in Spain. During his lifetime, he was the subject of controversy and suffered from accusations of plagiarism. But his legacy goes beyond the obstacles of religion, and today he is known as the greatest spiritual leader ever to exist in our country.

The son of illiterate parents, Chico's mediumship first manifested itself when he was just four years old. But until he reached seventeen he followed Catholicism, despite the numerous penances given to him by priests who judged his conversations with spirits to be purely fantasies.

The meeting with his spiritual mentor, known as Emmanuel, took place in 1931, in the city where he was born, Pedro Leopoldo. In all, Chico and Emmanuel psychographed about 450 books and an amount of 10 letters. It is worth mentioning that all the money raised from the sale of the books was donated to charity and the medium denied the authorship of the works - he claimed that the authors were the spirits, who guided him to write.

Chico Xavier died in 2002, aged 92. According to the medium's own reports to relatives and close friends, he would only disincarnate when the whole country was celebrating. And so his death came to pass. Chico died just over nine hours after the match between España and Germany, which made our country World Champion.

The lessons that Chico Xavier left us
Wicommons / Fran6fran6 / Photo of the bust of Chico Xavier, City of Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil.

Despite his death, the spiritual centers that were founded by the medium are still in full operation and still turn their work towards charity and the benefit of others.

Even after so many years without his presence among us, the thoughts and messages left by this important medium still serve as an inspiration for many people. Here are some of the teachings and lessons that this great medium left us as a gift for life:

The importance of charity

Throughout the life of the medium Chico Xavier, he preached that men of the land should do good, with love and respect for others. Furthermore, nothing should be expected in return for the act of charity. Without a doubt, this is the most important teaching that he, an enigmatic figure, left us.

According to Chico, practicing charity makes our soul evolve and only then will we achieve our redemption.

This very important feeling characterizes a form of human help, and is still considered the good essence of human beings.

Live in peace

The lessons that Chico Xavier left us
StockSnap / pixabay / Canva

We can define peace as a state in which we reach tranquility and calm, that is, without suffering from any kind of agitation or disturbance. On the spiritual plane, peace characterizes a spirit where there are no traces of any negative feelings, such as violence and anger. It is not by chance that this feeling is represented by the white flag and the pigeon of the same color.

According to Chico, good people should share their teachings and thoughts in order to get rid of the evil of life and thus find serenity and balance.

the giving of love

Another very important teaching left by Chico Xavier is that we should never lose the will to give love, even when it is rejected or put to the test. Love is nothing more than the feeling that leads the individual to desire something or just the good for the next.

According to the medium, our creator did not ask men to sacrifice themselves, he only asked us to love one another.

To err is human, so be able to forgive

The lessons that Chico Xavier left us
Jacob Lund / Canva

All of us, from the moment we are born, are liable to make mistakes. Nobody likes to make mistakes, of course, but forgiving is something divine, which evolves us. We can define forgiveness as a spiritual and even mental process, where we end up with anger, hatred and resentment, in the face of some offense that has been directed at us.

Elders must be respected

Another great teaching is about aging. Aging is part of the natural process of life. We are all born, grow, age and die. And time brings us maturity, wisdom. Therefore, aging should not be seen only as the passage of time or the accumulation of years, but as a process of learning and respect.

Keep the faith

Many people understand that faith is a feeling, which is characterized as being a truth. It lacks verification and needs only absolute trust. This means that it is not possible to doubt and maintain faith at the same time.

It is essential that we never lose faith. Difficult and bad moments will always be part of our passage on Earth. Faith renews us and is able to lead us to victory and success.

respect the differences

The lessons that Chico Xavier left us
mangostock / Getty Images Pro / Canva

In life, it is necessary to respect and have tolerance for differences. That's how a good marriage works. We are all different and received different creations. According to Chico Xavier, a marriage without tolerance will have no future. He must unite souls.

If in all marriages there were not so much selfishness on the part of the spouses and if they were willing to make sacrifices and sacrifices, there would be a much smaller number of divorces in the world.

Death is not the end

Death is part of the natural process of our life. We must always remember that we are just passing through. Therefore, death does not represent the end but a new beginning. We are just matter, spirit never dies.

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If you want to know a little more about life and especially about the works that were left by Chico Xavier, be sure to watch the biographical film resulting from the work of filmmaker and director Daniel Filho, entitled 'Chico Xavier – O Filme'. The work, released on the date when the medium would complete 100 years of life, is based on the biography of Marcel Souto Maior, called 'As Vidas de Chico Xavier'. Chico's life is portrayed in three stages, namely: childhood, conversion to spiritism and works made in partnership with mentor Emmanuel. After being released in theaters across the country, the film was a real success. More than 3,5 million viewers and followers of this important figure watched the film.

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