The lessons of GPS

    The lessons of GPS

    A GPS navigation device or application, in addition to helping us to search for addresses, also teaches us important lessons that we must take with us throughout our lives.

    1th: GPS will never show you where you came from or where you've been. So don't look back. Forget the rocks and holes of the past. As bad as your journeys have been, you are no longer there.

    2th: The GPS, first of all, identifies your location. So make an effort to realize, accept and own your condition, your position and your current situation. See the reality around you as it really is, without fantasies or idealizations.

    3th: When we make a mistake, the GPS doesn't waste time blaming you, it simply retraces the path, finding new alternatives. So, stop blaming yourself or accusing others and recalculate your route, remembering that there is always more than one possible path.

    4th: And most importantly: All GPS activity only starts when the destination is chosen. So now, stop everything, stop the routine rush, empty your thoughts and make the most important decision of your life: Where do you want to go?

    And remember: if you stand still, you've already made a mistake.

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