The Legend of the Red Thread

Legend has it that the red thread is the astral union of true love. Studies inaccurately indicate that this legend originated in China or Japan. The red thread keeps us, from our birth, close to the loved one - which could be parents, siblings or some friends. Even if there are encounters and disagreements, as long as the parts remain incarnated, the thread will remain connected.

The legend became popular when it became known that the ulnar artery connects the little finger to the heart, which has always symbolized love. Other sources question this information, saying that this happens in relation to the ring finger – which makes more etymological sense and is a more common tradition in our culture.

The Legend of the Red Thread
yamasan de Getty Images / Canva

The red thread is connected to our destiny, and there is no way to get rid of it or go against its will. This connection is between deep and eternal loves, those with a common destiny. All this reflects the truth that, in life, there are setbacks, uncertainties and doubts, but, despite this, fate is stubborn: even if some action is taken out of context, so that there is a distance between connected people, it gives a way to unite those who love each other.

The legend

“A long time ago, an emperor discovered that in one of the provinces of his kingdom there lived a very powerful witch, who had the ability to see the red thread of fate. This monarch then ordered the witch to be brought before her.
When the witch arrived, the young emperor ordered her to look for the other end of the thread that he carried tied to his little finger, leading him to what would be his wife. The witch agreed to this request. So the witch and the emperor began to follow and follow the thread.

This search took them to a market, where a poor peasant woman with a baby in her arms was offering her wares. When she came to this peasant woman, the witch stopped in front of her and asked her to get up. She then made the young emperor come and said, 'Here your thread ends.' However, upon hearing this, the Emperor was angered, believing it to be a mockery of the witch. Then he pushed the peasant woman, who was still carrying her little baby in her arms, and she fell, which left the baby with a big wound on her forehead. The emperor thus ordered the guards to detain the witch and cut off her head.

Many years later, the time came when this emperor would marry, and his court recommended that he had better marry the daughter of a very powerful general. He accepted, and the wedding day arrived.

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It was the moment to see, for the first time, the face of his wife, who entered the temple with a beautiful dress and a veil, which completely covered her. When he lifted the bride's veil, he noticed that that beautiful face had a very peculiar scar on her forehead.”

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