The ladder of life and the level of expression of being

    Sometimes we wonder why there are so many differences and inequalities and why the world has so much diversity, contrasts and even divergences.

    How many times we are restless wanting to understand how some people suffer so much, live at war with themselves and with others or are capable of such cruel acts, while others live well with Life, spreading sincere love and genuine joy wherever they go.

    If we stop to look behind the chaotic scenes, we will realize that every human being and even other living beings are following their respective stairs. And, according to the degree they are on, experiences and learning unfold.

    Some may be on the ground, facing the Ladder, unsure or struggling with existence.

    Others, on the first step, seeing reality in a very restricted way.

    And there are those who are in the middle of the Ladder, seeing Life better than they did before.

    There are also those who are on the higher rungs and live their lives more wisely, joyfully and lovingly.

    The Ladder represents the level of expression of the Being and, consequently, the development of each individual's perception and consciousness.

    The Self is our Spiritual Potency, and as we stand on the Ladder of Life, we are closer or further away from Him.

    The higher this level of perception, the more the Being is expressed and the person is able to see situations and experiences with breadth, clarity, lucidity. And thus, live with more fullness, trust, compassion, peace and gratitude.

    By understanding this metaphor of the Ladder applied to Life, it becomes easier to stop judging and make comparisons in relation to the existence of others.

    The ladder of life and the level of expression of being
    kevin laminto / Unsplash

    This understanding also helps us pay attention to our movements and inner development.

    In this context, it is possible to see how much we have advanced, regressed or stopped in front of the Ladder of Life. And that can happen when we remember how we used to be and realize how we are today.

    Based on our progress, our positioning in the face of experiences, our relationship with ourselves, our interaction with existence and relationship with others, we can evaluate how we are or are not expressing our Being.

    A person who is at the lower level of Self expression reflects this in their vibration and energy and in their reactions. An example of this is the individual dominated by low passions, violence, anger, pride and fear.

    If the expression of the level of Being is low, the person perceives the Life with narrowness and projects in the external world a lot of reactivity, he acts moved by accentuated unconsciousness and ignorance.

    One who for some reason is disconnected from his Being tends to see existence in a restricted and unconscious way, presenting a low energetic and vibratory frequency.

    In this low-level state of Being, the person often clings to negative emotions and thoughts and ends up attracting suffering, misfortune, limitation and a series of problems, compatible with their low vibration.

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    The Being is beyond our personality, our body, our mind and materiality. By expressing Himself, He gives us strength, bestows high energy and potency, and endows us with greater understanding.

    By expressing itself freely and without the shackles of the ego, with its conditioning, beliefs and illusions, the Being makes us happy, lucid and balanced.

    When the human being is able to express the Being, in a more free and elevated way, he projects it around him, acting with understanding, lucidity, serenity, wisdom and love.

    The higher the level of Being of an individual, the less he problematizes, judges, carries prejudices and acts with discrimination, that is, he stops living in conflict with himself and with others. Thus, he can develop more intuition, have self-confidence, live more harmoniously and flow better with Life.

    Existence gives us the opportunities and possibilities to perceive where and how we are in our individual climb, so that we can perceive how close or far we are from our True BEING.

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