The intelligent relationship between body and mind

Our body has incredible intelligence. I see this more and more as I practice some body experience, whether yoga, dance, physical exercises, etc.

My last experience was a yoga practice that brought a very significant reflection on how our mental patterns express themselves in our physical body.

On that occasion, the yoga instructor guided us in an “opening the heart” movement. If there is a language that our subconscious understands very well, it is the language of symbols.

Dr. Pedro A. Grisa, Parapsychologist and Mentor of the Grisa System, in his book "Unleash Your Extra Power", illustrates very well the Psychic Process, that is, "the path to be followed to reach a determined destination", in this case, the path that the mind travels to reach a goal.

Our heart, in a physical sense of the word, that is, the heart as an organ, is located in the rib cage, in the center of the chest. This statement already contains several symbols with which our mind can interpret the facts, facts that very likely go unnoticed by us in the automatism of everyday life. They are: heart, chest, center and chest.

Returning to the account of the yoga class, when I did the suggested movement, that is, I opened my chest, pushing it forward, taking my arms and shoulders back as if my hands were going to touch each other, and my back was close like a cocoon, an image came to me as if there was a shell on my spine and it was breaking, becoming lighter.

It soon came to me as to why people use the term “carrying burdens”.

I was organizing the understandings within me, I also remembered that we are always told that we should “follow our heart”.

So I understood that the greater the burdens accumulated during life, the more weight on the spine and consequently the more bent it is forward, causing this weight to close the heart inside the rib cage and it is hidden inside the chest.

The intelligent relationship between body and mind

To follow the heart, it must be ahead, protected by the box and not trapped. That's why we need movement, openness, exercise each day the flexibility to let go of the weights and let the heart take its place in our lives, leading us from the center.

When we do a body movement with a conscious goal, that is, to do a posture with a specific purpose, we strengthen the process both physical and psychic, many things are performed by our body and our mind without us realizing it, like a runaway car. without a driver, but from the moment we make conscious movements, we are taking over driving the vehicle, in this case, our body. This can be very well exemplified by citing people who use their conscious faculty to guide their lives in thoughts, words, actions and healthy habits.

So, here's this learning, when the spine is bent by the weights of life, let go of the baggage and let the heart open to show the way from the center. Always ahead in balance with the laws of harmony, vibration and evolution.

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