The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Gender, essence and personality

In ages past, the spiritual and evolutionary need was a need for individualization. The development of humanity now calls for service and collective refinement. The path to awakening is no longer one of simple human transcendence, but also involves transmutation on many levels. It leads us to a global awareness that values ​​several simultaneous individuations. Until now, the development of spiritual consciousness and the evolution of matter followed parallel routes. Now, the realization of the individual takes place on two levels: it responds equally to the imperative calls of consciousness and to those of evolution. The unique and differentiated individual, and at the same time must embody the collective spirit of equality and fraternity.

Gender defines much more than sexual inclination or function. It sets an inner path that has little to do with preference, behavior, or appearance. The essence of the human being is genderless, unique, and sometimes very different from personality and appearance. People who have achieved spiritual fulfillment, personality awareness, and as a result, the integration of spirit with form emanate a quality that transcends gender, expressing the most sublime qualities.

By incarnating in matter, the essence or spirit adapts to the model of its gender. It offers an opening of perception that leads us to a certain path of realization that adjusts to culture, epoch, genealogy and individual consciousness, repeating patterns and innovating forms that respond to the evolutionary need.

Today's humanity must incorporate the best of itself as consciousness, within the best of itself as a human model. This means that each individual will fulfill the pattern of an “inner” man or woman.

General characteristics of the male gender

(See the dynamics of genres in Table I)

The male body emits structural and mental directional forces. It loves, knows and shapes the forms of matter. It makes form and measure possible. This makes them move decisively, competitively and strongly, physically and mentally. At best, it accumulates and protects territory and is a physical champion of noble causes. He is a builder and doer. In the more refined examples, he does not have to lift a finger to exercise his authority over the physical world. For man, the yin force expresses itself in a calm and measured way, through his ability to hold power, even if it sometimes appears passive. In this sense, he is patient. The set of natural physical expressions of man manifests itself between extremes of tyranny and weakness, acquiring the proper balance in the “inner man”.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Emotionally, and in a veiled way, the man is vulnerable, loving and dreamy. The internalized nature of his emotions makes him elusive. He can be expressive and impulsive, but his passion is expressed through the physical. His strength at this level is in the desire that he emits and forms in matter. Physical contact and material things that express your tenderness are better than emotional innuendo.

The linear mind and the handling of physical laws tend to be the strongest parts of man. His word is a mandate: he knows and commands. As a shape-giver in our world, it is logical and utilitarian, managing and directing for clear purposes. Your yin part is abstract and detached, inventive, analytical and diplomatic. At this level, emotional expression in the common man vacillates between the possibilities of self-absorption and fanaticism.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Spiritually, and even integration with your soul, the masculine gender tends to favor humility and silence. He is a seeker of truth whose sense of honor and idealism shapes an ethic of life. He also expresses himself in a fraternal and generous way, more in tune with the intellectual content of his logic than with the emotional sensitivity that characterizes women. It is very evident in our time, where the yin modality tends to define spiritual expression, that men manifest different attitudes, from an extreme rigidity of thought to an excessive flexibility that characterizes them as a good-natured, without will.

What is an “inner” man?

The “interior” to which I refer reflects the precepts of consciousness and matter. Consciousness relies on the physical structure to express itself and to channel its intelligence and emanation. Inevitably, the filters of genres that involve perception will determine the forms.

We live in a critical moment. Genres are redefining themselves. They reflect a growing unease, yearning for freedom and authenticity that are expressed through intense impatience and vulnerability at the same time. Nothing satisfies us. The change we crave is incomprehensible, invisible and qualitative. It begins with the desire to recreate itself.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

The planet responds to the increasingly intense manifestation of the Feminine Principle. It significantly influences the male gender, and especially the female gender. In this article, we focus on the birth of the man of the future, the Inner Man.

Traditionally, the masculine gender conveys a form of brute force, linear thinking and authority, absolute power, system and global order. In the transition in which we live, even if their impulses and tasks are the same, the influence of conscience makes more and more men develop their yin side, breaking expectations, their own borders and barriers of all kinds.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

According to our definition of gender particularities, we must begin by defining the masculine gender by their inclinations or ways of perceiving, undoing and recreating, understanding, realizing and projecting, rather than by their interests, strength, physical appearance or social behavior. The subtle quality of your affection takes on more importance than its forms of expression. The inner man is distinguished primarily by his process of building realities than by creations, more by means than by the end.

The Inner Man, His Search and His Fulfillment

The male gender improves by following goals and steps that are defined mentally and physically. Whether poet, philosopher, scientist, musician or craftsman, his path is systematic, built through physical and mental sensitivity. When he reaches the evolutionary frequencies of the heart, he is no longer a conventional man. His inexplicable yearning leads him to cross an existential abyss similar to the mythical and illogical quest for the Grail. Nothing will ever be enough and what it brings with it is inappropriate and frustrating. He enters a totally unknown world with an indefatigable idealism and sense of honor. It's until death and he knows he'll never be the same again.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Great philosophers have described the journey of the male psyche. Like a constant shadow, inside it, the Socratic maxim repeats itself: I know that I know nothing. The terrible anxieties that occur bring maturity and vigor to the later stages. Deeper and deeper he enters Plato's cave to lose himself within it. Suddenly, the light of knowledge appears, bringing the echo of the Cartesian approach: “cogito, ergo sum” – I think, therefore I am. At that moment, what was typical male rationalism is transformed into something greater that extends to the limits of intuition to become a cornerstone that will allow the establishment of new certainties, connections and insights.

The development of his mental sensitivity gradually converts him into a sage who transmits teachings through words, symbols, colors, textures and tones, connecting and relating the tangible parts against the background of the indefinable. As the wide silence of No-Mind rises, he recognizes that “the heart has reasons that reason itself does not know”, as Pascal did in his time. He knows, because he feels through the refined and keen faculty of the mind.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Perfected and impeccable male reason will confirm, almost mathematically, what the soul intuits. Doubt is your way. The quest for clarity, curiosity and man's need to explore and discover is relentless. He doesn't stop until the intangible becomes tangible, and then the call to service to humanity grants him the title of master. Thanks to him, modern science is getting closer and closer to ancient metaphysics and we understand more and more what the experience of truth is.

The inner man knows how to discriminate, and in his field he is bold and correct. He knows how to focus on his ideals and collaborate with others, innovating and conserving according to the formal measure. He exudes authority and respect, trust and security because he respects and trusts himself. He exercises leadership without competition, not because of special merit, but because he cares about humanity more than he cares about himself.

Differences between genders

The qualities of the genres share the same evolutionary and spiritual purposes, but they express themselves subtly in very different ways.

Both genders can develop physical strength, but the psychological quality of the impulse in man is concretely projected as appropriation and the need to overcome physically in order to feel safe and powerful. The same impulse in women manifests itself in the opposite way, as it attracts instead of projecting to feel full.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Emotionally, masculine expression is internal, vulnerable and fragile, tender and enveloping. You are afraid of emotional commitment, yet mentally you show confidence and pride in your mastery of details, order, and system, in your argument, strategy, and logic. Demonstrates extraordinary abilities to categorize, define and measure. He is the king of reason, which, at first, confuses the woman who is usually suspicious. She is intuitive and, to him, her logic seems “irrational”.

Spiritually, man knows faith and detachment, trust and surrender with generosity and equanimity, even if unstable. His strength is supported by law and words, formulas and meanings that reveal the architecture of the universe, in abstractions aimed at evolution and the formulation of theories. His spiritual openness leads him to isolate himself from the world to then express and project enlightenment and his unparalleled sense of unity and integration. On the other hand, the woman is the visionary guide, whose leadership permeates the energies in order to gest and expand creation by conditioning the terrain within which man operates.

The manifestation of the inner man, like that of the inner woman, is infinitely variable. Each one is the differentiated expression of the original prototype in an unfolding of sublime creativity.

real potential

We believe ourselves to be independent and unique and yet we blindly respond to anachronistic models, programs and beliefs. We do not recognize that the characteristics that we embody in unconsciousness are opportunities and orientations that help us in the process of self-realization and contribute to the upliftment of humanity. The inner man and woman manifest infinite characteristics that may seem stereotyped. However, they embody these characteristics with enormous impact, with a unique style and conscience.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

In Tables I and II, we see that the qualities correspond to a state of being and not to a specific expression. This gives us plenty of room for authenticity and difference, once we have achieved gender aptitude management, coherence with personality, and improved contact with consciousness.

No man has his feminine share, but the equivalent would be his “yin”. No woman has her masculine part, but the equivalent would be her “yang”. A man cannot do what a woman does and vice versa. Gender faculties, powers, and virtues develop independently. The development of one influences the development of the other. Attachments and pseudoneeds socially fostered for millennia, as a form of slavery, negatively interfere with the aspiration and potential of each individual within the universal prototype. Nor is it a matter of competition or domination, neither physical nor mental in the grossest masculine style, nor emotional and spiritual in the feminine way of manipulation.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo
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The keynote now is self-reliance and confidence in the spirit and inner strengths. We seek a healthy coexistence of differences and expressions and an inspiring and stimulating challenge. The inner man and woman are beings free from inherited neuroses. He arrived at the same place as “the woman within”, but by a different path and emanating a qualitatively different aroma. There, where she emanates the fullness of the infinite, he emanates the silence of the unfathomable.

We are left with the immense task of disidentifying ourselves from old addictions and programming so that the true talents of each genre can reveal themselves. The true men and women of the future work in fine tune with nature and the stars, and especially through the voice of conscience and the greatness of the spirit that inhabits me.

The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo
The Inner Man – by Zulma Reyo

Translation: Claudia Avanzi

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