The Inner Journey and the Master's Path

    The quest for consciousness expansion and life purpose: we will address this subject in a series of articles

    We have reached the end of the Inner Journey, four months of recognizing, experiencing and leveraging the energies and human resources of the four archetypes. The trail ends here, but the walk continues.

    The archetype, model of human behavior, of the Master is one that represents wisdom, trust and detachment. He is attentive to results and not stuck with them.

    Your path is to practice trust, the source from which wisdom, clarity and objectivity spring.

    The opposite of trust is trying to control what is uncontrollable.

    People who find it difficult to deal with uncertainties and unforeseen events have attachments, inflexible perception and a great need to control everything and everyone.

    When we act as detached observers, being an impartial witness, we can calmly observe our reaction to situations instead of being carried away by emotions. This is not being cold or disinterested.

    It means keeping a sense of humor in the face of life's scenes, and looking at everything through the lens of objectivity.

    The Inner Journey and the Master's Path

    The Master archetype is one that honors the past, the ancestors, all those who came before us, their victories and challenges.

    By practicing silence, stillness of mind, contemplation of life, through sitting meditation, the Master accesses his inner resources of wisdom and clarity. He can hear his inner voice and be inspired by his ancestors.

    β€œThe intelligent man is always open to new ideas.

    In fact, he seeks them.”

    Sitting meditation is an invitation to stop judging and access the human resource of wisdom. It teaches us to wait, listen and observe what is revealed to us in silence. It is the art of observation, in which ideas and images are released as soon as they reveal themselves. Time to revere the sacred time of the divine.

    The Master's relationship with Nature is to observe the cycles of life and allow them to follow their course. Its element is water, the one that flows, heals, nourishes and purifies.

    The Master's challenge is:

    - Enhance self-esteem and minimize self-criticism.

    - Recognize judgment and control attitudes using discernment.

    - Boosting trust at the expense of fear that causes struggle and reaction.

    - Use keen critical thinking in a positive, constructive way.

    - Wait to act when there is mental confusion.

    - Balance attachment and detachment.

    Practices to enhance the Master archetype:

    - Sitting meditation: at home, in the midst of nature, morning, afternoon and evening.

    - Remind yourself about who were the significant teachers in your life. How did they behave?

    - What do the qualities of this teacher(s) reveal about your inner teacher?

    - What attachments do you currently feel in your personal, professional and spiritual life?

    - What is your ability to silence and wait to act when you are confused?

    The Inner Journey and the Master's Path

    To close with another key, I leave here an excerpt from Ecclesiastes

    For everything there is a time,

    For every thing there is a

    Moment under the skies:

    There is time to be born

    And time to die;

    time to plant

    And time to reap;

    time to kill

    And time to heal;

    time to cry

    And time to laugh;

    Time for war

    And time for Peace...

    I wish your times to be lived with honor and respect!

    Listen your heart!

    Love yourself and others more!

    Live life with lightness and humour.

    Trust yourself and life!

    Make a difference and make a difference.

    Mude a rota, a cor, a shape, or gesture ...


    Share with us your experiences!

    You may also like other articles by the author. Access: 4 Archetypes for the Inner Journey! Which way is this?

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