The importance of self-criticism

    It is very easy to judge the people around us. But it's really hard to evaluate ourselves. That must be why the our biggest enemy is ourselves. Depending on how self-criticism is used, it can be considered good or bad. It provokes a reflection on our way of acting, an analysis of our actions, the mistakes we end up committing and our ability to make a self-correction.

    This process of self-criticism is directly linked to our self-knowledge.. Only when we reflect and identify our weaknesses, strengths and our potential can we improve ourselves as human beings and change the direction of our journey here on Earth.

    without any exception, we all have the ability to perceive ourselves, our actions and their consequences. However, some individuals end up using this type of reflection less and others more. Only when we start to learn from our mistakes are we able to change, and these are considered fundamental actions to live in society and achieve personal maturity.

    This is not always an easy task., since in general, we are more concerned and used to seeing the faults of others, and we forget to see ours and judge our attitudes. On the other hand, there are totally perfectionist individuals, who demand and judge too much of themselves, and can only see shadows and flaws in themselves.

    The importance of self-criticism

    It's exactly in this culture of exaggeration of self-criticism where the problem resides. When an individual starts to exaggerate in the criticism of himself, he may be suffering from a low esteem, and so self-criticism is no longer healthy. Therefore, it is necessary that we find a balance in this self-assessment process, after all, criticism that is not considered constructive does not bring us any benefit.

    We can say that in most cases, who is very critical of others around them, ends up being very critical of themselves.. And when this behavior becomes exaggerated, it makes the individual more rigid, hard.

    Children who have parents with this type of behavior end up inheriting this characteristic. They won't always use it with balance and healthy this self-criticism.

    That means to say that the more a person criticizes himself, the more he will become dissatisfied and insecure with herself, and it will become a vicious cycle.

    If the criticism really bothers you, it is worth seeking the help of a qualified professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. He will be able to help you see your actions and promote a significant improvement in your behavior.

    Text written by Flรกvia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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