The importance of reading for self-knowledge

When we think of someone cultured and intelligent, we almost automatically think of books, don't we? In our society, reading has become synonymous with someone who is more intelligent than average… Because of this, many people believe that they are not educated enough to read a book or that the habit of reading cannot be acquired.

But that's not true! The habit of reading can be acquired at any time and at any age, just have the will. In addition, there are books of all types, for all audiences and published in different ways. So there's no idea that someone isn't smart enough to read. Everyone can – and should – get started. Do you know why? We'll tell you!

Reading and self-knowledge

Unlike activities like listening to a podcast or watching a movie or series, which are passive activities, reading is an active activity, that is, it requires the reader to be fully focused on each line. Otherwise, you will simply need to reread. This, in itself, represents a great opportunity for mindfulness, that is, to be fully focused on the current activity and the present.

The importance of reading for self-knowledge
deagreez / RF123

In addition, when we read, whatever the type of book – from fiction to self-help – we come into contact with new words, ideas and cultures, which helps us to continue to evolve intellectually and psychologically. Besides, a book can be a great friend, helping us with a problem or bringing that exact phrase that we most needed to read!

Reading, in the end, is to turn to yourself and enjoy an activity that obeys only and exclusively your rhythm and almost always can only be done in a solitary way. In addition to these, learn about other benefits of reading.

Beneficial for the brain

According to a study by Emory University, in the United States, when we read, our neural connections increase, as well as our muscles during physical exercise. So reading is like an exercise for the mind. This same study showed that when we read, our brain behaves as if we are actually living what we are imagining on the pages, so it's a great opportunity to "escape" a little from reality.

stimulates empathy

It is impossible to read a novel, for example, and be completely indifferent to the adventures, sufferings and joys of the protagonist or the other characters that make up the story. So reading is putting yourself in other people's shoes and imagining what it's like to live from their perspective, which stimulates our empathy and the ability to understand that there are different views of the world and different ways of acting in the world, so we must respect all of them.

The importance of reading for self-knowledge
Pixabay / Pexels

Improves critical sense

Reading is being in direct contact with new information, even if it is a book of fantasy or fiction. How many times have you compared an event in your life to something you saw on a TV show or movie? Because with books this can be even stronger, because we often have access to the character's thoughts and feelings, if it's fiction, or to new ideas, if it's Philosophy or self-knowledge - which gives us more information and, consequently, more critical sense to assess the world around us.

sharpens creativity

Reading is an activity that requires imagination, because the most common thing is that there are no images or any illustrations in the books, so it's 100% people imagining what is happening in the story. This stimulates not only our imagination, but also our creativity, because we need to create in our minds what we are reading in the book.

The importance of reading for self-knowledge
Sharon McCutcheon / Pexels

book tips

Now that you understand that reading can be important for your life and your self-knowledge process, we are going to give you some book tips so that those who are not in the habit of reading can take their first steps in this very enriching activity.

Although we have spoken briefly about fiction in this article, to prepare the list of book tips, we focus on self-help, Psychology and Philosophy books, with the aim of directing your readings to content that effectively has some direct influence on your self-knowledge process.

“Purpose – The Courage to Be Who We Are” by Sri Prem Baba

Known as one of the most important leaders of Eastern religions in the world, Sri Prem Baba, in this work, takes us on a journey into our interior, with the aim of knowing who we truly are and why we do what we do. Very important reading for us to understand our essence and for us to develop the courage to finally be who we truly should be.

The importance of reading for self-knowledge
Pixabay – Pexels

“Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod

Do you feel more productive in the morning, or do you feel that you get more out of the day when you wake up earlier and enjoy this important time of day? For this is not just a sensation, but a truth. In this book, author Hal Elrod shows how waking up a little earlier and starting the day with stimulating activities can change your life completely.

“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

Our minds don't work in a linear fashion. This means that, in a very short time, we can think about the present, the future and the past, all mixed up in a single basket. But is this good? Shouldn't we stay more focused on the present, which is the only time we can do something with our lives? This is the suggestion of the author Eckhart Tolle, who will manage to convince you to stop projecting the future and brooding over the past to put all your focus and your full attention on the present.

“The Break-even Point” by Christine Carter

We live in a society that, at the end of the day, makes us feel sensations such as anxiety, stress, wear and tear and overload. Is this normal or is there a way to combat these bad feelings and find balance in life? This book by Christine Carter brings a solution to the stressful everyday life we ​​live and proposes another way of seeing life.

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“The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama

Anything written by the Dalai Lama, considered the leader of the Buddhist religion, is worth it in itself. But this is a special book, in which, despite his age and his reclusive and technology-free lifestyle, he reflects on the modern daily life in which we live and gives tips on how to fight discouragement, anxiety and boredom. stress, for example, living a fuller, more satisfied and happier life.

Now that you've known some benefits of reading in your life and you've already received tips from some books that can be a good starting point, how about implementing this habit in your daily life and paying more attention to your self-knowledge processes? What do you think about starting to read a book today?

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