The importance of including hobbies in your routine

Working is important to pay the bills, but it gets tired. And it's not just about physical fatigue, there's also mental fatigue. Staying focused on the same task for hours, relating only to the people who are involved in that same activity, can be quite exhausting.

But getting out of this vicious circle is not easy either. Routine keeps us stuck in that comfort zone โ€“ which is not comfortable at all โ€“ and when free time comes along, it even seems like we feel guilty for not being productive.

So much worry is just inventions of our mind. Each of us needs free time to do what really brings us joy. Like, for example, a hobby. But, after all, what is it and how can it influence our life? Understand below!

What is a hobby?

A hobby can be defined as any kind of activity that gives us satisfaction and has nothing to do with work. It's a way to dedicate time and care to yourself.

But remember: having a hobby is not just lying on the couch fiddling with your cell phone over the weekend. It is something that challenges you, that makes you overcome physical, intellectual or creative limits, while providing you with enormous contentment. Traveling, dancing, singing, playing a sport, starting a collection, cookingโ€ฆ whatever brings joy to your life.

Think of it as a way to unwind, to clear your mind from everyday obligations, but also as a stimulus to skills that are very important for your development.

Such characteristics are extremely beneficial for mental health, especially if everyday life has left you in a constant state of stress, as we will see below.

Are you in need of a hobby?

The total focus on work and the lack of activities outside the role performed in the corporate world can cause numerous damages to well-being, including leading to the so-called burnout syndrome.

This disorder is linked to professional exhaustion, marked by the emotional tension of degrading working conditions. Signs need to be watched carefully:

  • Sudden mood swings
  • desire to isolate
  • Willingness to miss work
  • Difficulty concentrating and creating
  • Anxious or depressed feelings
  • Low self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Excessive preoccupation with work
  • drop in productivity
  • Inability to be distracted by anything unrelated to work

If you notice any of these symptoms, in addition to psychological help, look for a hobby. Do you know why? Keep reading to understand.

Why is it important to enjoy quality free time?

As we have seen, spending your free time on social media is not a hobby. In fact, when we do this, we waste precious time that could be used for a number of other, much more stimulating activities. In addition, as much as you work with what you love, having a hobby completely separate from the corporate world is very important.

Here are some of the benefits of taking up a hobby:

  1. Gives a boost to creativity: practicing activities that come out of your routine is very useful to see the world in another way.
  2. Helps you escape the sameness: it's a way to take your mind off work, get away from problems and relieve pressure.
  3. It provides new interactions: in addition to co-workers, whose only connection is the common activity you do, the hobby promotes connections with people totally outside your social circle.
  4. Helps with motivation: If you have been feeling bored or not wanting to do anything, practice can help you regain your spirits.
  5. It encourages you to define a purpose: as the hobby is characterized by overcoming limits, practicing it takes the idea that your days are all being the same and gives you a goal to pursue.
  6. Improves the relationship: when each part of the couple has their own hobbies and individual moments of leisure, the relationship gets much better.
  7. It helps keep your health up to date: in addition to bringing more happiness, a good hobby also improves the quality of sleep, favors memory, wards off depression, develops concentration and patience, avoids bad habits and, depending on the case, still maintains the body in motion.

But how to choose a hobby and fit it into the running routine? Let's learn now.

The importance of including hobbies in your routine
Magda Ehlers / Pexels

Tips for choosing the perfect hobby

The first thing you must understand when deciding on your hobby is: there are no rules. You can try everything and see what you really like. It's okay to start and drop in the middle.

Ask your friends for suggestions to find out what your profile has to do with. Try to remember what you liked to do when you were a kid.. Think about the subjects that interest you, the skills you would like to have, what you would like to do if you were on vacation. Preferably as far away from what you do at work as possible.

Then reflect on how much time you have available for your hobby. Remember that, in order to succeed, you need to set aside a part of your day for this, without putting other commitments up front. After all, your leisure cannot be left aside.

Also, consider how much you can invest in this activity. There are hobbies that don't cost anything, like dancing or singing, but others may need a little financial boost, like a martial arts course, for example.

After reflecting on all these questions, it's time to choose your hobby. Below you will find a list of possibilities.

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  • Learn how creative hobbies make you a better person
  • Relax your body and mind during your routine
  • Motivate yourself to promote self-knowledge and self-care

Hobby ideas for beginners

To help you start a hobby, we've put together a list of activities in various areas that could be your hidden talent. Try and have fun!

  • assemble jigsaw puzzles
  • To cook
  • take theater classes
  • take care of plants
  • learn to make crafts
  • Photograph
  • learn a new language
  • Correr
  • Knit
  • Read
  • learn magic tricks
  • tinker with home decor
  • Customize pieces of clothing
  • To design
  • Play a musical instrument
  • take singing lessons
  • Working with plaster, carpentry or clay
  • To meditate
  • solve crossword
  • create origami
  • Practice a volunteer activity
  • Start a martial art
  • Practice swimming
  • To camp
  • Watch movies

Ufa! Hobby ideas abound, and there are many more besides these. Now you have no more excuses: it's time to rethink your routine and include a hobby in your daily life. You'll see that your productivity and well-being will thank you!

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