The importance of freedom of thought

    The 14th of July is the “Day of Freedom of Thought”. But have you ever stopped to think about the importance of this date in your life?

    When talking about freedom of thought, who or what comes to your mind? Who do you remember?

    For my part, I remember Socrates, Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela…

    To get an idea of ​​the importance of this date, ask a person who has suffered or who suffers some kind of censorship.

    Surely this person will answer that freedom of thought is essential, it is the person's own life.

    This person will probably respond that freedom of thought is fundamental in a democratic society.

    Without freedom of thought there is no democracy and without democracy there is no freedom of thought!

    That is why we cannot tolerate any kind of censorship, any attempt to prohibit the free expression of thought, by anyone, especially our rulers.

    The importance of freedom of thought
    Pixabay / Pexels

    We are all free to think, write and say what we want, as long as it is not to denigrate or harm the dignity of the human person.

    Furthermore, this date exists to remind us that, without freedom of thought, the human being is nothing more than an object.

    As an object, the human being loses the ability to be what he wants to be.

    Another reason is that being free is extremely pleasant not only for philosophers, but also for other human beings.

    As a natural human being, freedom of thought requires us to be tolerant of the opinions of others.

    Tolerance to adverse opinions is the right path to freedom of thought, to sincere and fraternal dialogue among all.

    When we are free to express what we feel, the most beautiful fruits of the human heart sprout: love and truth.

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    There is nothing more important in this world than being able to express what you feel, what you want, what you seek...

    Of course, each of these values, freedom of thought, love and truth, will differ from each other because they have different goals.

    As for the importance of freedom of thought, what we said above is enough and long live freedom of thought!

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