the illusion of fear

    Man is limited by fear and controlled by beliefs. One thing follows from the other. Beliefs make us safe, with them we can face our fears, however, we pay a very high price for this security, as we become controllable beings. Freedom disappears, prison becomes our reality and a Herculean struggle begins.

    All this because of fear, because if we could understand and face this giant of the soul, none of this would be necessary.

    So let's ask the classic question: What is fear?

    An inner voice will say that fear does not exist and she is right, because fear is just an absence, Nothing more than that. It is a negative feeling, as if it were a negative mathematical number, something that points to a lack.

    You can get two apples, but you cannot get two less apples, because what mathematics explains as a negative number is just the observation of an absence.

    Fear, being a negative feeling, is also signaling this. In truth, it arises in the vacuum of knowledge, for where there is knowledge there is no fear. Nobody fears what he knows, only fears the unknown.

    the illusion of fear

    When you learn, understand and understand a certain thing or phenomenon, you stop fearing.

    No one, these days, bows down to thunder in fear, believing that he is in the presence of a mighty deity. No one else offers sacrifices to this god in order to appease him. This is no longer the case for the simple fact that we have reached an understanding that we did not have in remote times. If we are not afraid, we have no beliefs, therefore, we are not controlled by them in this regard.

    Just as we overcome the fear of thunder, through reason, we need to continue the investigation of all the beliefs that enslave us. An in-depth analysis of all the concepts we embrace will be necessary unless you want to remain in this cage of 'certainties'.

    I cannot say to you โ€œdon't be afraid of this or thatโ€, because fear is not a substance you can have, fear is lack, it represents emptiness; that's right, that same emptiness that bothers so many people and that has become a contemporary problem. When we plunge into this abyss of darkness and illusions, the only light capable of bringing us back is the light of knowledge. โ€œYou will know the Truth and it will set you free!โ€, remember those words?

    the illusion of fear

    I'm not just talking about intellectual knowledge, which is useful, but it will always be insufficient in this endeavor. I speak mainly of achieving awareness of the thing itself. As long as it is in the sphere of the intellect, this knowledge will be confused with other beliefs, it will remain in the mental instance, only when it is incorporated by our whole being will it be representing an expansion of consciousness.

    Fear is just a shadow that will not resist the presence of the sun. The sun will never know this shadow, for the shadow is only its absence. Do you understand now what fear is? Do you understand that fear is not?

    There is nothing more valuable than knowledge, nor could all the gold in the world be more useful than an understanding of our nature. The man suffers, rales in prison and believes that the achievement of a wealthy financial condition will bring him fulfillment. Fool, doesn't realize that the only thing he's going to do is bring a little more comfort to his cell.

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