the ideal job

Because we are inserted in the capitalist environment, we all need a source to make money and keep us within the system, so, with the exception of a part of society that lives on income, inheritances and benefits, most people sell their hand of work in exchange for the coveted money.

This relationship with work may be one of the many reasons people are dissatisfied with their jobs. Thinking only of financial accomplishment, some professionals end up migrating to areas that allow greater profitability, but that may not bring so much pleasure in the execution of activities. The opposite also occurs, people who work with what they like, but cannot achieve financial stability.

In addition, the lack of opportunity for growth, the devaluation of the professional, the accumulation of tasks, the bad relationship in the work environment, etc., are other important factors that contribute to the demotivation of the professional.

Everyone has their ideal, for everything in life. We are in constant learning and transformation, so the first step to achieving the ideal job is to get to know yourself well. Know what they like to do and what goals they have. Carry out a self-assessment of your professional status today: your position, your salary and the company you work for; Is it within your expectations? If so, great, then you need to know what the real problem is. If not, what could be improved, is it within your reach or that of your superiors? After having these answers, set goals and guide your path in the best way to find your satisfaction.

Regardless of which area you intend to follow, or have followed, understand well all the possibilities of your profession, look at the job market in general, fields of activity, salary base and opportunities for growth. Many people end up choosing a profession without knowing it perfectly, just by recommendation or some function that pleases them, however, in practice, up close, everything becomes more complex and difficult.

the ideal job

Study, inform yourself, grow, always! A good way to not get stuck in a job you don't like is to not be stuck. Seek new knowledge, update yourself, bring suggestions and new ideas, the company is also built and, mainly, by its employees, participate, collaborate, do your part.

don't settle, if you're not happy with the job, run after new opportunities, work on your resume, talk to friends and former teachers, don't wait for something to knock on your door, even if it happens from time to time, it won't always work.

Try to manage the โ€œboring side of workโ€, sometimes you even like your job, the company is nice and offers numerous benefits, but there are some things that bother you, be it an inconvenient colleague, the boss, bureaucracy, in short, try not to get annoyed with these details and get attached on the issues you like, then it will be easier to deal with everything else.

Nowadays many people have chosen to work for themselves. Being autonomous allows you to work in the area you like, offer the services and time you want. It's a good way out for those who are not used to bosses, workload, corporate environment, but don't be fooled, owning your company doesn't free you from tasks, customers and bureaucracy.

There is still no formula for making easy money, but it doesn't have to be an arduous task. Know how to balance your personal well-being with professional fulfillment.
  • Written by Carolina Peixoto from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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