The human being and the vulture!

    Energetically, we have little chance of influencing our negative external reality until we see it in a positive perspective. The paradox lies in the fact that as our perceptions change, so do our feelings.

    Comparing the human being to the vulture may seem strange to you. I imagine you must be wondering what the relationship is between the two, am I right? So let's go. Nowadays, unfortunately, it is common to see photos of dead people, accidents, tragic scenes and other situations that, for some, can shock.

    For others, they are a stimulus for likes and shares. And believe me, between the photo of a scenic landscape and that of a disaster, the second may have more views, comments and shares than the one that delights the eyes.

    I've had the opportunity to test it and I've proven that everything that is bad or negative propagates at three times the speed of what is positive. And I always wondered why.

    The answer to this observation motivated me to write about this subject, as I believe it is an opportunity to reflect on how we are dealing with the exposure of everyday facts and events.

    Just as vultures need to find the place where an animal died to feed, there are people who feel the need to look for sad and painful facts or events to โ€œfeedโ€ their emotions.

    In general, negativity tends to attract individuals who are full of negative things within themselves. They are thoughts, beliefs, sadness, fear, hurt, anger and others. These emotions, if encouraged, tend to grow and strengthen. And the person needs it more and more to feel good, that is, negativity feeds these bad feelings and this generates satisfaction for them.

    The human being and the vulture!

    And it was in this sense that I wanted to compare the human being and the vulture. Both feed on the victims' bad luck. With a big difference: the vulture needs it to survive, its organism is prepared to deal with what we consider bad. For the human being, this only brings harm.

    It's unfortunate, but what we realize is that there is an attraction in human beings to this behavior that drives them to read, listen, watch and talk about negative news. Just turn on the TV or even browse social networks. There is an enormous amount of news that generates negative feelings. And there's no point in blaming the media, because it broadcasts what gives people ratings, what people are interested in, otherwise, the media would be forced to change the type of material they publish.

    I cannot disagree that there is news that can lead society to learn from that experience. What I don't approve of is excessive sensationalism. What these people may not know is that nourishing themselves in this type of situation can raise stress levels, increase pessimism, generate phobias and psychic illnesses.

    In a society that overvalues โ€‹โ€‹bad news, we are harassed all the time to โ€œfeedโ€ on this evil. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to resist, as much as possible, and avoid negative environments, situations and people. You will definitely feel lighter and happier! Live what is good! Live what makes you feel good! Live the life!

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