The Heroine's Journey

Documentary shows the importance of healing the feminine for the evolution of the whole society. 

Contemporary society is going through a very delicate moment when we think about the balance between feminine and masculine. There is an urgent, almost screaming need to rescue the strength of everything that the feminine evokes. in the words of SRI PREM BABA, the feminine manifests itself as acceptance, cooperation, kindness and receptivity. The masculine as action and realization. However, an imbalance took root in social structures some time ago and our expressions of consciousness were contaminated by fear, hatred and aggression – which also distorted the archetypes of the collective unconscious.

The forces of the feminine and masculine exist in all of us, men and women. And the healing of its characteristics within us is a path for the evolution of society as a whole. Recalling Prem Baba again, the distortion of the feminine causes victimization, submission, as well as neediness and dependence. Meanwhile, the unbalanced masculine brings aggression and violence. All characteristics of a sick society, which needs recovery. Aware of this movement and the urgency of this cure, Monica Branco, audiovisual producer and transpersonal therapist, conceived the project: "The heroine's journey - The feminine as an instrument for healing the being and the planet", a documentary that will tell the story of current icons of female healing, such as Morena Cardoso and Rose Kareemi Ponce.

Access the documentary's Facebook page here

The Heroine's Journey

The theme dialogues with the development of the creator herself. “The hero's journey has been a theme that has been with me for 19 years,” she says. The first contact came with the work “The Power of Myth”, the result of a series of recorded interviews between Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell in the 1980s. Monica was 16 years old. “The book was an expander of consciousness for me, even though I was very young and had difficulty intellectually understanding some things, there was an intuitive connection with the themes of the book, a lot of things there made sense without me understanding at all”, he says.

The connection with the healing of the feminine arrived a few years later as part of her self-discovery process. Adept of Jungian analysis and healing through the sacred medicines of the forest, the therapist had contact with the Dance of the Sacred Feminine with Gleice Lemos, in addition to other experiences, such as: work with women's groups, studies of myths and archetypes, to the deepening of female psychology itself. “All this brought into my process the awareness of working and rescuing aspects of this atrophied feminine”, she analyzes.

The Heroine's Journey

Building a journey 

As Monica explains, one of the characteristics of the feminine is collective work and, thus, after conceiving the theme she would like to bring to life, the producer looked for partners. “I invited Laura Lobo, who is my colleague in graduate school, and she accepted. I invited intuitively, because I know that she is also looking to work with this female and has a strong potential at the age of 21”, she says. “I also invited Larissa Abachioni, who is a friend who has been on this path for some years with medicines and with the feminine and has been developing a beautiful work of awakening the feminine from the body”. 

Then the three came to Taciana Fortunati, currently the film's director, someone who has recently entered this path of searching for self-knowledge through the rescue and healing of her feminine. “In addition to directing the film, she challenges herself within the project to make this journey in front of the cameras, guiding herself through the compass of the journey of the women we invite”, explains Monica.

The Heroine's Journey

"The heroine's journey - The feminine as an instrument for healing the being and the planet" one of its missions is to inspire as many people as possible. Through the story of the heroines who heal their own wounds and, thus, also heal the world around them, the film intends to take this call to each of its viewers, indicating self-knowledge as a path of transformation. “Woman and her feminine have been oppressed for centuries, but so has the feminine in man. Man cannot feel, cannot access his emotions. Men cannot even wear pink, which is already ridiculed”, recalls Monica.

“This rescue is a collective call for us to access all the characteristics of the healthy feminine in us”, he believes. This means accessing feelings, exposing emotions, reinforcing a society based on the collective, on principles of empathy and compassion for the other. “We need to take the planet into consideration, we need to act from a genuine internal place, always balancing male and female polarities”, he reinforces. Filming of the documentary has already started, independently. For the development of the project, the authors count on the help of a network of partners, who donate services and products to help with the production costs. In addition, the project has a page on Catarse, an online crowdfunding tool. To help, go here

The Sacred Feminine 

The Heroine's Journey

The movements that are commonly known as Sacred Feminine evoke an ancient, ancient consciousness of valuing the feminine. It is the call of the characteristics of ancient matriarchal societies to contemporary times. “The Earth is crying out for the feminine. On many levels this is coming to light, whether in the political or social spheres, or in the religious and sacred spheres”, explains Monica. “People are waking up to the strength of the feminine. There is a strong movement going on for the downfall of patriarchy, a movement that is being driven by the strength of the feminine in men and women.”

That doesn't mean competition with men or anything like that. The issue here is the balance between the great forces that inhabit the essence of all human beings: soul e animus, yin e that. It is necessary to respect the feminine and the masculine existing within each being to reach a new stage of evolutionary consciousness. As Prem Baba recalls: “Woman is, little by little, taking her place in the world, but this is the result of an expansion of the collective consciousness that makes this maturation possible, this healing of distortion, at least to some degree. We still have a lot to heal in relation to these distortions.” 

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Self-knowledge can change a life

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