The GPS of Existence

The development of consciousness, whether unconscious, conscious or induced, will never cease to be present in the life of any entity, be it a person, a community, a country or humanity as a whole.

At any stage of human consciousness, developing it, in oneself and in all humanity, is the noblest and most authentic motivation that can underlie any individual action. The human being was “strayed” from the divine flock by the force of gravity exerted on the matter in which he was abundantly clothed. His mission now is to “come home”.

The inexorability of the evolutionary process shows that, whatever the path chosen by individual or collective free will, whenever necessary there will be a “route redefinition”, imposed by the determinism of the evolutionary path. The terms “sin”, “punishment” and “karma”, used in the context of religions and various religious doctrines, are related to this universal law.

Those who have not yet learned the “way” will walk it anyway, however, through a labyrinth of twists and turns, consuming time and energy, often translated into suffering. It is the GPS of life, which no one can turn off or – no matter how hard they try – change their final destination. This is the process of unconscious evolution, to which those who are still taking less advanced steps in their evolutionary path undergo.

The GPS of Existence
Photo Ina RH on Unsplash

Those who have already detected their inner feedback system and started to pay attention to its commands avoid getting lost in the labyrinths of unconsciousness and experience their process of evolution consciously. They can identify their own growth with each leap to a higher level. Others, still, have already understood the reason for the existence of their internal GPS and feel the grandeur of moving towards “their final destination”, although still indefinable.

Therein lies the greatest motivation of existence! Each step in the right direction is an achievement celebrated in ecstasy, alone, in the core of the individual, but with cosmic repercussions, quantum reverberating in the infinite Universe. But the return of the lonely son war signals to dismayed parents that the others have already succumbed. Thus, those who already consciously walk the path to the Father's House feel the compulsion to ensure the sharing of the return with their brothers.

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The more one advances in the process of developing consciousness, the more selfishness abandons the evolutionary motivation, as the certainty that, in essence, we are a unity is consolidated; that the success of the breeding depends on the success of the complete collection of the herd, strong and healthy. In this phase, individuals recognize their evolution, and that of all humanity, as the highest hierarchy value within the scope of Existence, and begin to induce it, making it their life project.

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