The Good Neighbor Policy

    The word political derives from the ancient Greek “politeia”, interpreted as city-state, community, collectivity, society, etc.

    As good citizens that we are, it is worth remembering and asking ourselves if we are consciously applying and practicing politics in our relationships, according to its so-called representation.

    The nature of this science of the collective, the conscience of the community, is to bring the understanding and understanding of the applicability of the rights and responsibilities that each individual has when relating to others in a systemic way, the environment of coexistence and even the animal and plant kingdoms. Have you ever stopped to think about it?

    It is very serious to write about politics, with all the transformation that this conscience has caused among us, because it is an conscience that came to remind us about balance and harmony in relationships, in which everyone can benefit without the need to violently modify their nature in favor of self-centered benefits. Nothing that comes to add can originate in the division of a society to rule. So the concept is already different, it is no longer politics.

    The Good Neighbor Policy
    Sora Shimazaki from Pexels/Canva

    Politics is experienced when understood and understood in daily experiences with the family, when choices need to be made and different opinions are aligned to serve everyone. When neighbors respectfully coexist on the edge of private space. When the hierarchy in a company is organized in the responsibilities of each member, seeking the necessary balance for an effective and prosperous service.

    When religions represent the service of God, the Creator, Allah or Spirituality for a seeking public, without judgment and freely placing themselves at the service of others, fulfilling the role for which they were designated, to (re)connect those who they are disconnected from the Source of Being, because the Father's House has many mansions. When the rulers of nations, in a conscience of total responsibility and honesty, govern in an integral and harmonious way, maintaining the health, prosperity and progress of the whole community and environment.

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    Yea! It is possible, yes, to live in a place like this! It is enough for each one to ask himself how he has done his part so far, taking responsibility for his choices and consequences. If it is being the change that so much (re)claims for itself and for others. If you are taking care of your walk honestly. If you are practicing the “good neighbor policy”.

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