The friendship

    Friendship is a rare gem at any time, in any place and circumstance!!!! This is perhaps one of the few absolute certainties I have in life, for all others doubt is welcome in my daily life.

    Jewel because it makes the eye shine, everyone wants to have it, it is precious and beautiful. Rare because in virtual times, in which we all have hundreds of friends on social networks, in which individualism, goals, professional advancement and social isolation are exacerbated, the meeting, the hug and the look of a friend reminds us of the human we are and how much we need, yes, the hug, the look and the guarantee that we have someone to call in the middle of the night.

    Friendship is a safe place, where departures and distances do not mean an end or absence, because a friend is inside and a memory of a shared moment is enough for our soul to be filled with affection and gratitude. Friendship is sacred because it teaches us generosity, love and complicity.

    Friendship is a theme that never falls into disuse and is in movies, novels, books, magazines, in a poem or song. Without it, we are even more lonely, selfish, limited and arrogant beings.

    Experiencing friendship is always an opportunity to get to know the different, to share secrets and to get to know each other better, because through it the exchanges are intense. Cultures, races, religions, ideologies, genders, traumas, pain, loves and many other things intersect, tangle and untangle, weaving a knowing how to live for two, three, four……

    The friendship

    Friendship is division and multiplication, together and mixed, after all, a good thing is to promote meetings of unknown friends and turn them into new friends. A quartet, a new duo, a trio can emerge from a duo, in short, in friendship mathematics proves the infinity of possible encounters.

    Friendship is health insofar as the conversation takes the weight off the routine and puts us on an equal footing with one another who is also crushed by everyday life. It's health when laughter and more laughter cleanses our liver of so many toxins and makes us feel light, even if only for a few hours. It is health because it teaches us to listen, and listening we learn to look, and looking at the other we look at ourselves and discover a lot of who we are.

    Friendship and trust always walk together, play with time and allow us to discover and experience one of the thousand ways to love.

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