The feelings that memories cause us

    We all keep memories of certain moments in our lives, usually moments that generated strong feelings. But unfortunately, it's not just good memories that we keep from our life story... Therefore, when we remember bad events, we tend to have feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, pain, indignation, etc.

    Several may appear negative feelings through those memories, even if the events were years ago. It is quite common for some memories (both good and bad) to pop up unexpectedly in our minds, but people make a big mistake when they have a negative memory and start reliving past situations in too much detail, bringing unnecessary suffering because what has passed is gone. and there is no need to suffer over it again.

    We should only think about the details when the memory is really good, because it brings a pleasant feeling of that pleasant moment we lived. In this way, good feelings will come through this good memory. But it is important to warn that even positive memories can bring negative feelings. I will explain this possibility further.

    The reason for this is that in the minds of many people, the life they had before was better, happier. And that thought brings feelings of dissatisfaction in the present moment. To avoid this attachment to good memories, we must understand that there is a cycle of life that we cannot avoid. Example:

    When we were children, we had no responsibilities and no worries. Fun was the focus along with other kids. Then we become teenagers, we change schools, colleagues and friends, our minds change and so do our interests, so we stop liking childish things. And in a few years we finally become adults, so the responsibilities come and go, putting us face to face with the duty of work and facing the stresses of adult life that we didn't know before.

    The feelings that memories cause us

    Therefore, there is no way to be stuck in a time of life because things always change and really only the memories of the special moments we live are left. Of course, this does not mean that we should be stuck in the past. We can remember good things from time to time, but we must return soon to our present moment to enjoy the stage of life we ​​are in now.

    Each phase of our life has unique events that create good memories. This means that we can't cling to a phase of our life and say it was the best we've lived. Never forget that!

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