The fear of reality creates our world of illusions

    Stop for a moment and look at you, I'll help. Analyze what is happening to you. Feel out of your mind for a moment and realize. Is your life a scenario of frustrations and disappointments? Definitely, right!? So let's do an analysis together.

    At some point in your life story, faced with the emptiness and discomfort of your existence, you began to dream of an ideal life (a life in the world of ideas, don't forget). Very well, in this virtual world, you wrote the script for a movie and gradually invited the actors to play the roles of this story. He gave everyone a script and sat in the director's chair.

    Okay, so far so good, life goes on. It turns out that during the filming, the actors made mistakes in the texts, changed their lines, missed the takes, interpreted their characters inappropriately and, with that, the film developed a very different story from the one you idealized. You realized, frustrated, that everything that was clear and perfect in your 'ideal world' collapsed and was thrown with full force into reality. It happens that you don't like reality, you did all that, you idealized all these things, precisely, to escape from it and that's where the problem begins.

    As a result, he was frustrated, disappointed, angry and transferred all his hatred to the actors, began to blame others and saw his life within an environment of whining and complaints. Yes, in the face of so much technical incompetence, it was easy to choose those responsible for her downfall. With that, she embraced that old Sartre maxim: โ€œHell is other peopleโ€.

    Realize that this is precisely what we are doing with our lives. We engage with people, giving each of them a role to play. We create unhealthy and exaggerated expectations and forget that the other has their own interests; that the other, as much as you, also wrote scripts, because like almost every human being on the planet, he is more of a fugitive from reality creating his projections.

    We do this with those who live with us, whether it's our children, our partner, our boss, our neighbor, our co-worker, it doesn't matter. Anyone who takes the stage of our existence will have to follow a script created by us and woe to the one who misses the text.

    The fear of reality creates our world of illusions

    It's past time for us to understand that everything happens within us, the whole problem is ours, because we create expectations and nobody has anything to do with it. There is no greater insanity than wanting to change people by making them assume a character that fits our inner demands. In this way, they will never be themselves and you will be living with anything but a real being.

    The first step towards our liberation is precisely to take full responsibility for everything that is not working in our lives. Stop blaming God, the world, people, the government, parents and so on. The principle of responsibility is represented by the greatest of virtues: humility. We suffer relentlessly for being proud, vain, being totally intoxicated with ourselves and wanting the world to correspond to our interests.

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