The Eight Keys to Peace

Ten out of ten people are likely to answer that what they most seek in life is peace. Happiness, health, money and love are also mentioned a lot, but they vary in each case, since peace is a unanimous search. The most aware know that if there is no peace, there is no point in having any other things, because without peace you will never be satisfied and you will always think that you need more to be happy, fulfilled and fulfilled in your existence.

But what really determines this thing so sought after and desired by all of us? Peace is just a matter of being, a sense of acceptance and overcoming unfounded needs for exclusive attention and love. It is difficult to achieve, but with a little discipline, a lot of will and the understanding and implementation in life of the steps suggested by Buddhism is totally achievable.

Check out the eight keys of peace indicated by Buddhism below:

1- Silence

We could say here that the first key is meditation, but we can start with the simplest and show that silence is enough. For him it is necessary that you be in harmony with yourself and be able to be alone only in his company. Just keep your mind calm and disconnected from everything.

2- Truth

Here the importance is not to be true to the world, but true to yourself. Be fully aware of who you are, what you want and what you think. If you still find disharmony in your life, it is because in some field of your life there is still a lack of truth. Be honest with yourself, always!

3- Correct action

It's not about being moralistic, dictating rules and pointing out what's right and wrong. The key here is conscious action, being true to your convictions. Be spontaneous, true and authentic. It's following your heart.

4- Non-violence

Egoless action. Non-violence implies carrying out your actions and achieving your conquests without harming the other; act without causing any kind of suffering. It indicates action that comes straight from the heart and is not born out of fear or hatred.

5- Conscious love

If love hadn't been so distorted the fifth key to peace could just be love, but as many confuse it with passion, sex and even with hate the conscious complement is necessary. It is pure, simple and true love. It is selfless love.

The Eight Keys to Peace6- Presence

Being present in everything you do is the sixth key to achieving peace. Often we are only partially delivered to what we are doing, even more so with so many stimuli from the digital world. Being present in what is done, in meetings and works, is essential. It's giving your full attention to the moment.

7- Disinterested service

Serving someone else or something without expecting anything in return, putting your gifts and abilities at the service of those who need it without the need for reward. Doing this kind of service maintains an open connection with happiness and love that flows from you to the people around you.

8- Constant remembrance of God

No matter what your God, it is necessary to have a direct and constant connection with the divine. Being aware that there is a greater energy that governs everyone leads to a sure path to peace.

Written by Roberta Lopes of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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