The difference between the voice of the ego and that of the Higher Self

Ever wonder if that voice in the back is trying to protect you or boycott you? Or if the one speaking to you is your ego or your Higher Self (or your intuition, your guide, your essential being)?

Here are two tips on how to identify who is talking to you.

1. Through the body 

"The mind can lie, the body cannot." Your body will always give an indication if that is aligned with your essence or not. Usually this appears in the form of a contraction: in the stomach, in the region of the heart. What is aligned with essence always expands: it is as if you can breathe deeply.

Adyashanti, an American professor and author, says that the ego appears “like a closed fist in the stomach”.

You can effectively ask, “when I think of x, does it expand or contract?”

The difference between the voice of the ego and that of the Higher Self

2. Through intuition

The voice of intuition comes quickly, and if you don't do something with it right away, it disappears.

Adyashanti says that the voice of the Self is “gentle, succinct and brief; don't argue your point. The ego analyzes.”

That's why in coaching, when someone has an insight, we celebrate first. Then we use that force to encourage the client to take an action that will help them achieve their goal. We ask, “What are you going to do with it?” or “how can you use this insight to do x?”.

In addition to meditation, you can stimulate intuition through writing, for example. Dedicate yourself to writing three pages of whatever comes to mind every day. In this way you empty your mind and open yourself to inspiration.

The difference between the voice of the ego and that of the Higher Self

You can even ask your Self to guide you directly through questions.

Rudolf Steiner, creator of Anthroposophy, taught to ask questions before going to sleep and wait for the answer, which can come in a dream or in a phone call the next day.

In Access®, we use questions to open ourselves up to unthinking solutions. The mind only sees a possible number of possibilities, while our Being sees much more. Some questions used are:

– “How can you improve all this?” – “What is right about this that I am not realizing?” – “Where am I choosing not to have a choice?” (when you are fixing a problem for each solution) – “What else is possible?” (when you can't see a solution)

The more you exercise your intuition, the more your Being grows stronger, because it knows it will be heard. Meditation also helps us to be open to being guided.

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