The difference between being a parent and having a child

    Having a child will never be an easy task. The issue goes far beyond generating a life and placing a new being in the world. It is necessary to create this person who arrives, it is necessary to educate, give love, teach basic precepts and guide him to the point where he is safe enough to take his first steps (both literal and metaphorical). The fact is that this task is much more pleasurable and fair if it is done in pairs. Father and mother must walk side by side on this journey, through the days, months and years, and both must have the responsibility of this new life. Unfortunately, whether for a still sexist society or for physical reasons, the bond between father and son needs to be worked on. It is important to keep in mind that the act of being a father is very different from the act of just having a child.

    By not having the child born in her womb for nine months, the father can, if he wants, be less present and have a less strong bond with his child. It is his choice to also be present, since there are not a few single mothers we usually meet. A man can have a child and never be a father. Do you know the difference? And the importance of it all?

    I would say that at first it is and is a matter of love. Just like that, simple that way. Generating a child is an act of love and requires a lot of maturity, responsibility and donation. If you are a man and you planted this seed, know that the sexual act was the least of the pleasures you had on this journey, if you allow yourself to get involved and surrender to this relationship that will bring you countless learnings and gigantic personal growth.

    The difference between being a parent and having a child
    Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

    It is necessary to be present during pregnancy, at medical appointments, when the belly moves and when the urges appear. It is important that you talk to your child, he may not be seen and touched yet, but he is there and will recognize his voice if you are always present. When he is born, you must also be there, where the bond begins to strengthen. And take advantage of your leave from work to fully surrender to this new experience, change diapers, bathe and always be as close as you can; never use this time off to drink with your friends, please!

    Make being a parent practically a job, from a responsibility standpoint.

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    Also make this relationship your most pleasurable hobby. Throughout your child's development be present. Teach everything you can, learn everything he gives you. Teach to ride a bike, to be someone with basic principles of respect, love and education, help with school tasks, guide your steps through life.

    I guarantee that if this journey is made side by side, when your steps slow down, your son, a few meters ahead, will look back and see the guy he most admires in this life. And even better, he will also see your eyes, full of pride in the life he generated, created and above all, he loved so much!

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