The despair of dark forces

    Beloved ones, you have learned that every beast becomes agitated and aggressive when someone or something messes with it or takes it out of its comfort zone.

    Everything in Nature was put there for humans to look up to and learn from. By observing things in their natural state, without the interference of the human hand, one can know much more than the thinking and noisy mind is capable of.

    We have here on Planet Earth all the conditions and subsidies for the learning of our conscience. 

    We can live in harmony with everything and everyone, as long as the limits and rules of coexistence are respected.

    Let's make a comparison and then we will get to the title of this text.

    Coexistence can be peaceful or tumultuous, between man and animals, depending much more on man than on them. In its natural state, everything is perfect. This harmony is part of the object of divine creation.

    Man, possessing reason and a creative conscience, can design things and situations based on his thoughts. Such thoughts may or may not be well-meaning.

    By his free thinking and acting (free will), man can make mistakes that will inevitably bring disastrous consequences later on. He gets lost with such attitudes in crooked ways, demanding a lot of time for his recapitulation. During this time lost in the curves of life, he lives among the forces of evil and in areas of Darkness. He is part of the group of incarnate and disincarnate spirits who delight in evil. It is the human beasts that can cause dangers to those who walk the path of righteousness. As with animals, there are always those that pose danger and threats to other species. Two currents are thus created: one is the hunt and the other the hunter.

    The despair of dark forces

    Since the Spirits began to incarnate on Earth, humanity has been following a divine project of improvement. The final objective is the stoning of the Spirit within an ethical and moral conduct, even with adversities, confrontations and the ease of deviations from the path, offered by the attractions of the Ego, pride and power over others.

    Comparing with nature, among the tame and peaceful animals, we can live with them and even interact in everyday life. We create friendly and comradely bonds. We can play with them, and even if we often bother them at will, they remain friendly and obliging.

    However, you will mess with a beast! Go "poke" one ounce! Go mess with the hornet's nest! Invade the territory where a fierce beast reigns! As the saying goes: β€œenter a snakes nest”. Surely, when we mess with wild animals, they show their true hostile nature. Fatally, they will revolt and attack us.

    This is what is happening with the incarnate and disincarnated dark spirits. The disembodied are no longer able to reach the awakened humans, as the Light is forming a protective aura and, like a magnetic field around them, makes their action much more difficult.

    In this way, Darkness uses humans (incarnate spirits) who delight in evil and maintain a befitting affinity with the disembodied, in order to reach the part of humanity that is sowing the Light. Good people are being targeted by all sorts of malevolent actions in an attempt to destabilize the order that is leading humanity towards Spiritual Ascension.

    The spirit world that rules the Lower Threshold, whose domain the Shadows have always held, in recent years has suffered an incidence of crystalline Light so strong that it destroyed the Grid that protected them. Cornered by the force of the Light, they felt threatened. They tried to react as they always had, but were not successful this time.

    The despair of dark forces

    With the advance of the Celestial Forces, the entire surface of the Earth was declared the Territory of Light. Countless extraterrestrial armies have taken up positions here and neutralized all Dark actions. This action also made it possible for the Mundo de Agharta, that is, intraterrestrial civilization, can also come to the surface.

    These two forces, one coming from the extraterrestrial orbs and the other from the interior of the Earth, are exerting a terrible force on the Darkness, called Compression. This provokes reaction in the Shadows' commands, as it forces them to come out of hiding. Before, they had the advantage of hiding in the dark, now the Light discovers them. In the despair that precedes the final surrender, they are forcing human beings who delight in evil to also act at the extreme limit of their evil.

    All this chaos and turmoil that we are seeing out there is a reflection of the current situation, of the world still hidden from most people. It is not to be impressed by the intemperate attitudes of certain people. Just look at everyday events, some become increasingly despicable. Every day we see more and more clearly the positioning of each one. It is clearly noted the position of those who are following the path of good and those who persist in following the path of evil (wheat and tares).

    The cornered beast will react! We may have surprises even with people very close to us, but everyone will manifest.

    In 2018, as it is a year of fresh start, it will be the year that people will take their seats in their definitive chairs. There will be few possibilities for changes there ahead. Only a part of humanity, those who are still on the fence, will have any chance of choosing the right or left path after 2018. The vast majority will define themselves later this year.

    The stormy reaction of those who decided to follow the darkness is demonstrating exactly how quickly everything is defined! Some even border on childishness. They firmly believe that others are idiots and that they will be deceived by their lies and deceit. They don't know that the Light is filtering everything and no one else will be deceived! Nothing else can be hidden. There is no way! There is no place where the Light does not reach!

    The despair of dark forces

    Because of all this, the recommendation is that we keep ourselves in peace and compassion. Love and Forgiveness make up an energy of very high vibration that, in addition to protecting us from dark forces, can also contribute to transforming all those still subject to transformation.

    Observe and not take part in the strife that they want to involve us, just observe! Send love, for it is what they have the least.

    We must understand that the battle is at its end. The result is already decided. They are the last and final cries of the Darkness wanting to intimidate by imposing force… A force that they think they have, but that no longer exists.

    THE LIGHT HAS ALREADY DECREATED THAT THE EARTH IS FREE FROM SHADOWS FOREVER! It is a matter of time to settle the dust of this great final battle that we were honored to participate and experience in this current incarnation.

    THE LIGHT WON! Accept and let yourself be enveloped in love, beloved creatures, our brothers and sisters who have always preferred the path of the Shadows! Incarnate and disincarnate, it's time for surrender! Put down your weapons and accept the deal that will seal Peace on Earth! There are only two ways: either accept it, or exile awaits!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!

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