The best spiritual films to reflect on

Life is surrounded by mysteries. We can spend our entire existence looking for meaning to be here, doing what we do, acting as we do and asking the famous questions: who are we, where did we come from, where are we going, what is our purpose in the world?

For spiritists, we are on Earth to seek evolution, to improve as reincarnated spirits. And these processes go through the practice of goodness and charity, the detachment from material things, projects and people and the search for happiness within ourselves.

It is worth getting to know the spiritist doctrine better, to better understand our mission on the planet and seek self-knowledge and evolution. If, however, you don't want to start this path by consulting the spiritist theories already published, how about trying to get in touch with this fantastic universe through movies?

Movies are a great tool to help us reflect on all aspects of life, and the presence of characters makes us identify, making the learning experience more enjoyable and fluid.

To help you in this task, we have selected 8 spiritualist films that will warm your heart and lead you to deep reflections about your mission here on Earth. Oh! And these tips are as valid for those who want to know the doctrine as for those who already know. Come check!

“Miracles of Heaven” – 2016

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Reproduction / Miracles of Paradise

If you are looking for spiritist films on Netflix, this is a good choice. The work tells the story of Christy and Kevin, parents of Abbie, Annabel and Adelynn. The family, convinced Christians, leads a comfortable and peaceful life, until Annabel is diagnosed with an incurable disease that can lead to her death in a short time, which causes Christy to go through a crisis of faith.

The film brings a reflection on believing that miracles exist.

“And Life Goes On…” – 2012

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Reproduction / And Life Goes On…

Based on the eponymous book by the spirit André Luiz, psychographed by Chico Xavier, the film tells the story of Evelina and Ernesto, who meet while staying at a hotel. From there, a strong friendship is born and they create a solid bond. The plot shows that this strong connection is not a mere coincidence.

The film raises a reflection on reincarnation and the mission of reincarnated spirits, as well as showing that nothing happens by chance.

“Beyond Eternity” – 1989

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Playback / Beyond Eternity

This film, by Steven Spielberg, tells the story of Pete, an aerial firefighter who works in forest fires and dies in an accident. Upon arriving in Paradise, he discovers that, as a disincarnate, he has the mission to inspire Ted, a young pilot who wants to follow the same career. When Ted falls in love with Pete's girlfriend, Pete must let go of his jealousy and help bring the couple together, making his girlfriend move on in the afterlife.

The film brings a reflection on life after death, continuity for those who stayed and our mission to overcome bad feelings so we can evolve.

“My Life in the Hereafter” – 2000

The film, which is based on a true story, told in the book of the same name, tells the story of Jenny, who begins to have contact with her last reincarnation, through visions, dreams and memories. They are very clear images of a family in Ireland, made up of a couple and their four children. After going through regression sessions, Jenny decides to take a real journey to find out about her past.

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The film makes a faithful portrait of reincarnation from a spiritist perspective and brings an important reflection on the importance of love and the bonds we build in family.

“A Cabana” – 2017

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Reproduction / The Cabin

A classic of the theme, this film brings the story of Mackenzie Allen, a man tormented by the disappearance of his daughter, Missy, who was never found, despite indications that she was raped and murdered. Mack loses hope and faith and lives in a state of sadness, guilt and depression, until he receives an unusual invitation and undergoes transformative experiences.

This beautiful and moving film brings reflection on topics such as forgiveness, peace of mind and how to deal with suffering.

“The Five People You Meet in Heaven” – 2004

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Reproduction / The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Based on the novel of the same name, it tells the story of Eddie, a war veteran whose life was quite difficult since childhood. When he dies, he goes to heaven and finds five people who passed through his life while he was alive. These people will help you understand whether or not you have fulfilled your mission and prepare you for this new journey.

The film brings us a question: are we on the right path to fulfill our mission? Are we impacting people's lives in a positive way? The reflection here is that everything is connected, an act of kindness (or evil), however small, can be decisive in someone else's life, without us even realizing it. So, we have to be responsible with our actions.

“Viva – Life is a Party (2017)”

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Reproduction / Live

This Disney Pixar animation tells the story of Miguel, a boy who wants to become a musician, but has to fight his family's disapproval. So he decides to take part in a music contest in secret and steals the guitar of his idol, Ernesto de La Cruz, who died even before the boy was born. When playing the guitar, Miguel is transported to the Land of the Dead and lives a great adventure. Here, the theme of death is approached under the color of the DĂ­a de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). For Mexican culture, death does not mean the end of life, and the day celebrates the return of the deceased with lots of happiness and celebration. That's quite a lesson in itself, although the animation brings lessons, such as forgiveness, the law of action and reaction, not to mention the bonds of family and love, so important to our journey in this world.

“Soul” – 2020

The best spiritual films to reflect on
Reproduction / Soul

Another Disney Pixar animation to fill your eyes and hearts. It tells the story of Joe Gardner, a frustrated high school music teacher, who dreams of being a famous jazz musician. When Joe finally gets the opportunity to play in a band, he has an accident and wakes up as a soul, in a kind of heaven. Dissatisfied, he wants to resume the life he had, even managing to escape the place. This journey, however, happens unexpectedly.

The animation brings a series of lessons, such as the fact that we are disconnected from our life or about the concept of success and failure. Built in an extremely intelligent way, it talks about the purpose of life, courage, the ability to overcome fear, in addition to addressing the taboo theme, which is death.

Did you like our spiritist film tips, selected especially for you? The list with this theme is quite long, but it is worth starting with this selection, which was handpicked. Prepare your handkerchief, because many plots can cause some tears - of emotion -, but they will also fill your heart with hope and desire to become someone better and look at life with more love and gratitude!

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