the best of human

    the best of human
     For moralists, especially religious ones, the best thing about human beings is values. Value is what is important to the person, for example, family, work, politics, order, education, church. According to Saint Augustine, man is only totally happy in God. He says, "My heart is restless, O Lord, until it rests in You." For you, does believing in God help or hinder human beings to be better?

    For the human and social sciences, especially for philosophy, the best thing about human beings is life in society. It is the community that defines us. According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, man is by nature a political animal and this explains the fact that there is a tendency in human nature to live in society and that by realizing this inclination, man accomplishes his own good.

    In short, we believe that respect for human issues, love for truth, for justice are starting points for human achievement. Others may find in religion, in political action, in volunteer work, the starting point for their best self. Finally, I must say that the best thing about being human is questioning, because it is as natural to me as it is proper for an orange seed to become a tree and produce oranges.

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