The best books on mindfulness

    The best books on mindfulness

    Mindfulness – mindfulness or mindfulness – has been a constantly growing goal among people. However, due to lack of time and information or even dedication, many people get lost and do not put the concept into practice. To help in this objective, we have separated below some books that, without a doubt, are a good start to follow this path.

    Mindfulness – Mindfulness – Finding Peace in a Frenzied World – Includes Meditation CD

    Mark Williams e Danny Penman

    Sextant Publisher

    This book, recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the United Kingdom, presents a kind of eight-week course with daily exercises and meditations that will guide you to a much fuller and calmer way of living. He teaches the best way to face problems and to act on a daily basis, with the aim of avoiding situations that cause nervousness and stress, the main problems that divert your attention from what really matters. Basically, it is a guide to self-knowledge and change of thinking.

    Mindfulness – The Diary

    Corinne Sweet

    best seller publisher

    Through drawings, paintings and notes that should be taken throughout the day, wherever possible, this guide guides you towards making your mind calmer and more productive. It's a light, easy and fun way to start exploring all the benefits mindfulness can provide.

    The Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Based on Mindfulness and Acceptance

    Lizabeth Roemer and Susan M. Orsillo

    Publisher Artmed (Digital Edition)

    Allied to psychotherapy and, mainly, to cognitive-behavioral therapy, this book shows how mindfulness can be efficient to treat the most diverse patients and mental blocks presented. Through real cases, it illustrates the flexibility of treatment.

    Mindfulness – Mindfulness

    Padraig OΒ΄Morain

    Fundamento Publisher

    A practical book that helps you implement mindfulness in your routine, without having to find a specific time for it. Many people stop practicing, as mindfulness ends up becoming another action to be done when there is time. Through the exercises and proposals presented in this book, you will be able to start the practice and include it in your routine.

    10% Happier: How I Learned to Quiet the Mind, Reduced Stress, and Found the Path to Happiness – A True Story

    And Harris

    Sextant Publisher

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    This is the biography of journalist Dan Harris, who lived a life filled with anxiety and stress until he had a panic attack live in front of millions of ABC News viewers. It took getting to this point for him to be aware that he needed to change. Through meditation, he achieved a better quality of life and learned to silence the voices that accelerated him so much.

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