The benefits of spirit messages

Spiritualism is the religion of 15 million people around the world. Most of the faithful are in España, which is home to nearly four million followers of the spiritist doctrine. This fact may be surprising to people who know the origin of this religion. Why is the spiritist message more popular in España if it originated in France?

The history of the spiritist doctrine begins in 1857, when Allan Kardec – a pseudonym used by the French pedagogue Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail – created the term “spiritism”. In his words, this term refers to a “doctrine founded on the existence, manifestations and teaching of spirits”.

In 1865, journalist LuĂ­s OlĂ­mpio Teles de Menezes brought the spiritist message to Salvador, where a large part of the Spanish population was concentrated, and began to teach about this religion that unites philosophy, science and religion.

Although there is an effort by the spiritist community to consider religion a form of science, scientists rule out the possibility of proving the existence of spirits. Because of this, spiritualism remains just a belief, however popular it may be.

The benefits of spirit messages

principles of spiritism

The principles of spiritism define the spiritist doctrine. It is through them that each spiritist message is understood, as well as what their benefits are for the people who believe in them.

In spiritism, God is a unique and powerful being, which refutes the existence of the Holy Trinity. It is believed that he is the creator of all things and all beings that exist in the world, and living creatures have an indestructible spirit.

Spiritualism also holds that a spirit can reincarnate, returning to a new material body after a person dies. In this way, that spirit would be evolving with each life it acquires.

The benefits of spirit messages
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In addition, it is possible to communicate with disembodied spirits through mediumship, which is manifested in the visualization, listening or incorporation of a spirit, translated, for example, in psychography (a person incorporates a spirit and writes for it).

Another principle defended by the spiritist doctrine is salvation from the practice of charity. For a person's soul to evolve and for it to grow with each incarnation, it is always necessary to do good through charity.

The benefits of spirit messages

Benefits of spirit messages

After learning about the history and principles of spiritism, it is possible to disseminate this doctrine and put the teachings into practice through a spiritist message.

Before that, you will understand what are the benefits of spiritist messages and how they can help you and the people around you. Enjoy!

1) Dissemination of the good

Sending a spiritist message to a person can show how much you care about their good. If you need to attract this kind of energy into your life, reading a spiritist message will bring you in touch with the best in humanity.

2) Understanding of spirituality

Many times a person has the potential for mediumship and does not understand that he is able to communicate with spirits. A spiritist message can bring an awakening to this ability, which allows communication between the material world, where we are, and the immaterial world, where the spirits are.

The benefits of spirit messages

3) Peace of mind about the cycle of life

Death is a painful and difficult process, but a spiritist message can bring a new way of thinking about it. Spiritualism allows a person to look at life as a cycle that will not end with the end of the material body. The spirit can always reincarnate, continuing the existence of the person who is so dear.

4) Detachment from material goods

As the spiritist doctrine preaches charity, when coming into contact with a spiritist message you may feel a need to let go of everything that is no longer used. Other people may have more happiness with these objects than you, who with the donation will bring evolution to your soul.

5) Feeling of protection

Spiritism can allow you to feel the protection of the disembodied spirits that surround you, from reading a spiritist message. Through it, you can understand that the people who have always cared about you still care about your safety.

The benefits of spirit messages

Spiritist messages to reflect

1) “Men sow on earth what they will reap in spiritual life: the fruits of their courage or their weakness.” – Allan Kardec

It is essential that we do good and charity if we want a spiritual life of peace and tranquility, without worrying about addictions or mundane matters that were once part of our lives.

2) “Saudade is a pain that hurts in both worlds.” – Chico Xavier

Missing you is inevitable, especially when we think of dear people. The truth is, in the spirit world, they also feel this pain. What can alleviate this suffering is the understanding that one day you will meet again, whether in the spirit world or in another life.

3) “God grants us, every day, a page of new life in the book of time. What we put in it, runs on our own." – Chico Xavier

If God gives us the opportunity to live and build a story, we must use our free will to do good, as he would like us to do, however we must take responsibility for our choices and work so that they are always the best we could have. done.

The benefits of spirit messages

4) “Help the offender with your good thoughts. It teaches us how aggressive and nasty we are when hurting someone.” - Andre Luiz

When one person insults another, he is not propagating good. Hurting that person will contribute to a cycle of negativity that will be of no use to anyone. Fight evil by offering good and showing the importance of respecting the people around us.

5) “Before accepting the vibration of hate that torments you, meditate to understand that only love cancels all evil.” – Marco Prisco

Hate does not bring good in any situation. The only way to fight it is through love. Even a positive thought has the power to change how a person feels about you or the world. Experience this change!

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