The Beginning of Life: a film to inspire you

The Beginning of Life: a film to inspire youThere are many documentaries and films that manage to convey more than ideas, reflections and, above all, manage to move our hearts, our souls. And that's what a movie recently released on the 5th of May 2016, “The Beginning of Life”, did for those who watched it. Directed by filmmaker Estela Renner, who has also directed films such as “Further Beyond Weight”, this time graces us with this beautiful and important reflection on our babies and the importance of the first years of a child's life.

The film traveled to the four corners of the world and listened to families from different cultures and socioeconomic realities. Filmed in eight countries (Spain, USA, Canada, Italy, China, Argentina, India and Kenya), there were more than 170 interviews, that is, rich content to try to show that investing in child development is also investing in society — and only so we can have a better society with more values.

A reflection on the film

A film to move your heart, with our current models of education, with what is right, with what you can and what you can't. These are just some reflections that the documentary leads us to think about. After all, it is in the first years that we build ourselves and thus, love and affection are very important.

It is in this period that creativity speaks loudly and is also cut off. How many no's do children get without even an explanation? How many games do you leave aside so you don't get your clothes dirty? How many toys did or did you not build with your parents? How many stories did they make up? And how much time do parents spend with them at these times?

Fathers and mothers who condemn themselves for being away from their children, working incessantly to guarantee them something better, but who in their spare time are all occupied with technological toys. Is this how we are creating citizens?

Throughout the film, doctors and researchers talk about the importance of stimulation that children should have. Let them imagine, create many planets… This is important! It is not just genetics that will determine the child; the environment in which she lives is also of extreme importance.

The Beginning of Life: a film to inspire you

The Beginning of Life: a film to inspire you

This is how I write and I also get emotional when I remember my childhood, which was wonderful. From having loving parents, playing freely, having a partner sister, inventing houses, getting dirty, fixing, breaking, hiding… It was a childhood of experiments, like climbing trees, for example. It's good to wake up today and realize that it was all worth it and that it was important for me to become a person who today values ​​human values, good relationships, respects nature and the stimulus to dream, even to be a washing machine, the my childhood dream. Please watch the movie and tell me what you think.

Check out the trailer:

  • Written by AngĂ©lica Weise of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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