The beauty of the indigo child

    Children with special abilities coming to a new generation. In humanity. It is believed that due to their high capacity in intuitive, spiritual and moral aspects, such children bring the possibility of changing from a materialized to a spiritual world, modifying the ways of experiencing life on earth. The birth of these children is seen as a total breaking of patterns that humanity has been experiencing.

    Indigo children are generally very intelligent and sensitive., however, they also present a high degree of agitation, thus having difficulties to concentrate. Therefore, they are children called “hyperactive” or with learning difficulties in schools. They have great resistance to authority rules and commands. They like to follow their own paths, having creativity as a great ally, as well as enjoying decision-making. They are children freed in their ability to decide about their own lives. They don't fit into any "pattern" because they have freedom of choice well defined in their minds.

    The beauty of the indigo child

    They are usually diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or even Hyperactivity. With that, showing themselves to be completely different, they bring a “concern” to schools and families, since there is a difficulty in acting, outside of traditional patterns, with these children. Often, they are medicated through Traditional Medicine or even undergo various treatments, both psychological and psychiatric follow-up. Although there are some results in the treatments, it is necessary to understand that all children are different from each other, and that the most important thing is to interact with them in their “inner worlds”, regardless of their classification.

    Love and understanding are important foundations for building a great reality of relationship between the family and the indigo child, as well as the school and the indigo child.

    Children who assume their “Own Lights” are special and designed to transition from a society focused on “standards of living” to a society of collective life respecting all the differences that surround us and accepting creativity as a great master of living!

    Living differently is not a problem, but the solution to experience from your Inner Light!

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