The 7 wonders of the personal world

You sure know the 7 wonders of the world, but there are other 7 wonders you can know just by living your life to the fullest. Ready to meet them?

All forms of love are included here, the love we feel for our family in general, for our friends, for our pets, for our life partner, for our self-love and even even our love of life. This feeling is pure, although it can be linked to others, such as jealousy or insecurity. True love makes you want only the good, and that's what should move the world!


Think of your favorite dish, that indispensable drink on the weekend. Yes, there's nothing like tasting your favorite food, getting to know new cultures through local cuisines or even curing PMS or sadness a little with that irresistible sweet that we always keep in stock. Well, this wonder is so good that in excess it even becomes sin.


As Falamansa would say: “A smile helps to improve”. Whether happy or sad, smile! Either you will infect other people, or you will infect yourself. The Lion King's Helm used to say, "When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world." This doesn't mean running away or sulking, quite the opposite. That's when you should laugh at the disgrace and move on! Life is just challenging your sense of humor.

The 7 wonders of the personal world


Discovering new airs, new cultures, new fears, new overcomings. Yes, traveling means rediscovering yourself. In the same way that we find difficulties, we find strength to overcome obstacles that we never imagined having. Not to mention that the final destination is always a great reward, whether it's a beautiful landscape or a beautiful moment, the treasure is always found. Raise your sails.


Have you been thankful lately? You don't have to have a religion, it's all a matter of reflection: looking at your life, thanking you for your achievements and feeling grateful to be alive, but it's also a matter of looking around you and giving thanks for the beauty of the flowers, the warmth of the Dol, the health of your loved ones. To be grateful is to appreciate life.


Faith is essential to people's lives. Whether through religion or simply believing that your desires will come true through your own efforts. Having faith means believing and, as Legião Urbana would say, “whoever believes always achieves”.


Life in itself is already a gift, and as such it must be enjoyed until it is no longer useful. But wait, until it doesn't serve anymore? Life is an eternal gift. Even if one day death comes, we leave our mark on people's lives, in the academic and professional world, we leave our footprints in the sand, we leave a part of us in this world. And that, its existence, the waves cannot erase it, people cannot forget it. For you wrote your story and like many (however unique) it will be eternally kept in the great library of life. So live all you can, do all you want. Make the adventure of your life a book worth reading.

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