Technology: a love-hate affair

We are connected to technology in every moment of our daily lives, whether using the alarm clock, checking social networks or even operating the notebook in the office.
Although this technology is so present as an ally on a daily basis, you must have already felt a certain β€œirritation” with it, due to constant changes, new models of cell phones and notebooks launched every quarter, new technologies that have never been launched (such as, for example, the Gel Battery for notebooks) or even the fact that we are without Wi-Fi or 4G, which leaves us disconnected from what is happening in the world and generates inevitable stress.

Technology: a love-hate affair
Pixabay/William Iven

Excessive use of technology generates some side effects. Below we will mention some of them for you to pay attention to:

Pain in the hands and arms: it can happen when you spend a lot of time typing text messages or on the keyboard of your laptop, including scrolling through the various pages of social networks. In addition, in some cases, they cause diseases such as myalgia, arthritis or, on a last level, tendinitis.

Neck and back pain: we currently use smartphones a lot, whether at home, on the bus or at work, we are connected to this technology all the time, which can cause us severe pain and consequences even for our eyesight.

Insomnia: using the notebook or cell phone while sleeping is one of the factors that most hinders having a well-rested night, as well as affecting eye fatigue.

Emotional damage: using technology excessively can also lead to depression, feelings of guilt, feelings of loneliness, social isolation, among others.

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To help you alleviate side effects, we suggest:

● Take short breaks during your work activities.

● Stretching exercises.

● When sending messages, switch the fingers used for typing, and choose to record audio messages.

● Adapt the work environment ergonomically; for example, use wrist rests and position the monitor at eye level.

● When using the cell phone, do not look down, but at eye level without tilting your neck.

● Perform physical exercises to reduce the possibility of neck or back pain.

● Turn off your cell phone or notebook two to three hours before bed.

Remember: use technology to your advantage and in moderation. Here are more simple tips to help in this regard:

Tip 1 – Determine times to use apps and exclude those that are not essential.

Tip 2 – Instead of being in front of the television or watching a series, take the opportunity to perform a physical activity.

Tip 3 – Value real relationships, allow yourself to enjoy a meal with your family or go to a park with your friends.

Tip 4 – Keep an eye on the apps, games and programs used by children, in addition to limiting the time of use.

Tip 5 – Use and abuse the positive resources of technology, such as: health apps about diet and exercise, distance education, alternative means of research, online medical appointments, communication apps, among others.

Technology: a love-hate affair
Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

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