What is Metta Bhavana Meditation, Unconditional Love Meditation

What is Metta Bhavana Meditation, Unconditional Love Meditation

There are many types of meditation that help the human being to be calm, to have a sense of peace and wholeness. Metta Bhavana meditation is one of them, which helps us to ask for good for humanity and, above all, to practice kindness and know how to forgive.

Known as the universal peace meditation, doing the Metta Bhavana meditation is believing in the valuable things that life can bring us. This is one of the oldest Buddhist meditations. Its practice in our daily lives conspires with many good things, not only for those who practice it but also for those who receive it.

A millennial meditation

According to Buddhists, this meditation has been passed on uninterruptedly for over 2500 years, that is, it has been practiced for many years and its strength is already considered universal. The Dalai Lama, a Buddhist leader, expressed the phrase “My religion is kindness” and in this way it is possible to realize compassion towards others.

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Unfolding the name Metta Bhavana, “Metta” means “love”, “kindness” or “unconditional love” and “Bhavana” means “cultivation” or “development”. In this translation, it is already possible to understand the breadth that this meditation can bring to your life.

How to do Metta Bhavana meditation?

There is no correct way to practice meditation. It can be done in the lotus position, sitting, or standing. But the important thing is that each word is repeated with love and with attention to what is being said, and that it is not something done mechanically.

Meditation has no duration. You can repeat phrases in five minutes or even an hour. But it is advisable to repeat it at least three times. It is amazing how the practice of Metta Bhavana meditation helps to improve our relationships, to create harmony in the environment, to know how to forgive, and to pay more attention to positive things than negative.

It consists of 8 sentences:

  1. Be happy.
  2. May ____ not suffer.
  3. May ____ find the true causes of happiness.
  4. May ____ overcome the causes of suffering.
  5. May ____ overcome all ignorance, negative karma and negativities.
  6. May ____ have lucidity.
  7. May ____ have the ability to bring benefit to beings.
  8. May ____ find his happiness in this.

NB: The dash ___ is where you put someone's name.

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