Tarot Forecast for November 2019

Good morning to all our dear ones from our space of light and improvement.

This week we are starting a new month and we will bring you the message from the Universe through the Tarot to direct our attitudes during this period.

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Interesting to see how the different oracle cards complement each other in this quest.

Using the Tarot de Marseille to check the energies of the Major Arcana, we find "Temperance" as advice for our attitudes.

In short, we need to learn to balance our energies, to channel our strengths between difficult situations that may arise.

Tarot Forecast for November 2019

This card is represented by an Angel with the colors red and blue in total balance, which means that we must work with spiritual energy (blue) and vital and material energy (red) in total harmony. Our attitudes need to be in emotion but measured by reason.

When we do this, the garden we create is more fertile, the plants are greener and the consequences less disastrous in many cases.

See that the yellow color in the throat indicates wisdom and oneness with the light, so it will be a month to be more flexible and kind to ourselves, connecting spiritual life with material.

For those who read the forecast of our first week of the month, with the Arcane “The Emperor”, you will see the strong connection between one edition and the other.

In addition, through the oracle that examines the shadow side of our soul, the letter that the universe sent to us was the need for the presence of more faith, which we lack in everyday life, so that we can be on our way to personal balance in finances. , career and love.

May the month of November bring us the strength of the Scorpio sign, combined with balance and faith in the Greater Spirituality.

Eastern Star Tarot.

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