After all, who are we?

Interesting question that probably probes the minds of thousands of people.

Doubt about this answer goes back to the beginnings of creation. Man throughout his journey constantly seeks to discover where we came from, where we are going and who we really are.

Who is not surprised by the Egyptian, Mayan, Inca cultures and the entire East, studied until today by the most renowned researchers?

In each region of the planet we have different, unique creatures of inexhaustible potential ready to emerge as beings of extreme intelligence, intelligence that can lead to progress, the cure of diseases or wars and ecological disasters.

Within the Spiritist concept, we are unique Spirits created simple and ignorant for an evolutionary march towards perfection.

Our creator gives us the right to choose called free will.

After all, who are we?With it we design our destiny, we choose what we believe to be the best, but we are not free from the law of cause and effect. Everything we do has a consequence that can be good or bad. We plant and we will reap the fruits of the future.

We are what we think and how we act. We attract what we emanate. Our energy integrates with others in the same vibratory band, giving strength and forms to the most diverse types of thinking.

With each reincarnation passage, we bring with us the baggage of our previous experiences, that is, vices, pride, vanity, promiscuity, tenderness, charity, humility, etc. In it we often find beautiful postcards with messages from the friends we cultivate along the way, but we often also find letters wet with tears shed for our fault.

Thanks to the Greater Father, who grants us the gift of forgetting, we acquire a new opportunity for readjustment. Most of the time within our family circle are those to whom we must ask forgiveness.

Let us seek to analyze ourselves and we will find the answer for our future. We will reap exactly what we sow.

Love for those who know how to love.

Compassion for those who forgive.

Bitterness to the one who hates.

Contempt for the one who does not give.

Don't waste this chance, fight for everything to improve in this incarnation and if you don't make it, be sure there will be another opportunity.

We are finally an emanation of the love of God.
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