
    Agartha is a mysterious place, like the mystical Shambala, which would have been the origin of the oriental spiritual tradition, being, perhaps, its inspiration, leading us to believe that it was an invention; which would lead us to the idea of ​​a hollow earth, where there would be large caves and where human beings would live.

    This location, Agartha, is quite remote, but it would be located in India - it is said that this was the place where Buddhism began.

    Possibly, because its name refers us to Asgard, a Norse myth. In addition to the resemblance to the land of King Suchandra of Shambala, which would be home to the Ascended Masters.

    Angels and beings of light also inhabited it, similar to those who had a pure heart.

    The first reference to Agartha occurred in the 1873th century, in XNUMX, by the French writer Louis Jacolliot. However, his story, his fairy tale, came to be known through a Polish science teacher named Ferdynand Ossendowski, who used the plot in a work of fiction, adding a character, the king of the world, the most enlightened spirit of our time. sphere, Melchizedek, quoted in the Bible.

    There are some other references, such as the esoteric and metaphysical French author Rene Guenon, who defended in his books the thesis of the existence of primordial and universal truths shared by all religions.

    carmensdphoto / Reshot

    Thus, Agartha would be the heart of the world, an underground realm; a mythological primordial axis, one of the eight holy cities of the fourth dimension.

    It is also associated with the term “AxisMundi”, an expression that is equivalent to what is called the mythological axis of a culture — which is not the case, as it is the fruit of human imagination.

    The lost city theme has narratives between Tibetans, Mongols and Chinese.

    The Catholic Church considers Agartha an underground kingdom, a heresy, something contrary to religious dogmas.

    Saint Yves d'Alventre, author of the XNUMXth century, was a link between Agharta and Atlantis, which was quoted by Plato.

    Controversies aside, it is said that Agharta would be located on the coast of Canada. But there are those who claim to be located on Monte da Lua, in Sintra, Portugal.

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    Undoubtedly, a fascinating narrative. And that, according to the French esoteric occultist Saint Yves, in Sanskrit would mean: “the impossible to find”.

    May you have a good read on the wings of imagination!

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