Look at yourself and you will be looking at God

Look at yourself and you will be looking at God. Where else would he be? Where is nature's greatest expression of beauty and complexity to be found? Where would His Kingdom be if not within you?

He is also inside a rock, but the rock cannot see itself, yet you can.

He is present in everything, but only you will be able to find him. Think about it, think about your condition, nothing is closer to God than you.

Everything that exists is somehow moving towards it, yet you are the one that is closest.

Stop looking for God, he never went anywhere, he was always present in everything, because God is Consciousness itself, what else would it be?

Look at yourself and you will be looking at God
Jeniffer Araújo/Unsplash

When I talk about Consciousness, I'm not talking about the voices in your head. These voices do not represent God, they are just impermanent information constructed by our experiences. It is the demons that need to be silenced with our disinterest.

If those voices in your head are you, who is the one listening to them? Think about it… The one who hears is Consciousness, our True Self, the witness of all psychic processes, that's all. He who hears is God in you. He is God present, not as a transcendent being, not as an old man watching humanity on top of some cloud but as the manifestation of the Eternal that you Are.

Stop looking and be! Be what you already are, do not want to probe the Universe guided by the arrogance of wanting to find your source, your Creator, the source of the entire Universe already exists in you!

The False self that exists in you is the one creating all this confusion. Kill him, don't want to do it, he is Satan himself, the great adversary, the one who divides, the one who has the power to seduce you and convince you that you are weak, impotent, incapable, etc.

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This false center must cease to exist, for there is no center for you, you are present in everything, in the entire Universe. We are on the threshold of a broader understanding of ourselves, we are facing a new paradigm, linear, Cartesian and mechanistic thinking will cease to exist for the holistic model to be installed.

Know, friend, you are everything, you are the whole, you are the only God you will ever know.

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