clinging to the vault

    clinging to the vault

    It is normal, when we are affected by any type of disease or at any moment in which death can be given, to turn to God, and from then on we are in the hands of doctors.

    We are very attached to matter; to material goods, property, so we cannot bear to think of letting everything we accumulate during our lives end up in the hands of other people, even if they are our relatives.

    In one of the mediumistic activities in which we participated, a spirit who had disincarnated and who had many goods came forward for clarification. He kept, in one of the vaults on one of the farms he owned, a considerable sum of gold.

    The spirit, although it no longer belonged to this life, remained clinging to the safe, trying to open it, and refused to follow the path in spirituality, accompanying the spiritual benefactors, a situation that was difficult to resolve, since the disincarnate believed still be in the physical body, feeling as if you were dreaming.

    It is common situations like this after the passing, because unfortunately we are prepared to live and we forget that we have an expiration date. We always take as a parameter our time here on Earth by the age of the elderly, thinking that we will last a long time, but for most of our lives we don't worry about religions and preparation for the last moment.

    Most beliefs do not address life beyond the grave, informing followers that everything ends with death and that they will enter a deep sleep of rest and only wake up on the day when there is the so-called doomsday.

    It is evident that if we do not talk and educate ourselves about what will happen after physical death, then we will have difficulty dealing with our reality when we arrive in the spiritual world. It is not because we do not believe or do not know that certain realities do not exist.

    Attachment to goods, centralizing them or having a habit of accumulating more and more, shows little spiritual evolution and also ambition, since nothing can be taken away.

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    But this is a biennial custom, as the pharaohs already had this peculiarity and were even buried with a large amount of gold and silver, as they believed that in the place where they were going they could enjoy the goods.

    Anyone who is attached in this way will certainly suffer when he passes to the other plane and will behave like the wealthy man who remained years and years clinging to the safe.

    Let's live life to the fullest, without accumulations that can cause us a “headache” in the afterlife.

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