Talents: what are mine?

    For some time now, we have lived a lot with the word “Talent”. But, after all, what does it mean?

    "Talent means a natural and special aptitude or ability." It is recurrent thought, feeling, or behavior that can be used productively. So if you're curious, organized, seductive, competitive, empathetic, leader, studious, etc… that's a talent.

    Talents: what are mine?

    Any recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior is a talent if you can use it productively. Many people are unaware of their talents. Today I will give you some tips to facilitate these discoveries. Write down!!!

    1) Realize your spontaneous reactions to everyday situations in life. It can be situations of a lot of pressure, nervousness, action, etc. How do you behave? How do you feel? 

    2) Pay attention to your desires. They can reveal the presence of a talent, especially when it is revealed early. As children, we are attracted to some situations and games and repelled by others. While for some children playing with dolls was fun, for another child it was fun to know how the doll was made. Did you understand the difference? 

    3) What do you learn quickly and find it easier to study? Talent may not appear in desire (since childhood, for example), but suddenly you start to be interested in a certain subject and learn about it at an amazing speed. It could be that this talent was dormant and you never heard its call and suddenly something happened and it revealed itself in full force. 

    4) Identify the situations that bring you satisfaction and pleasure. What do you do that makes you happy? Why does it happen?

    Always try to use your talents for the greater good, to feel fulfilled and fulfilled. Another tip to increase awareness of your talents is to take a few minutes out of your day to meet with you. Calm down, be silent, think about what we talked about and listen for the signs. They will take you to discover your talents.

    Let's go ahead and keep swimming!

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