Take off your shoes: 5 reasons to walk barefoot at home

When I arrived in Canada to live, I knew that there was a new universe of possibilities and a lot of learning ahead, especially regarding local customs and one of the first lessons was: take your shoes off before entering the house!

My Landlord (landlord) showed the shoe rack at the front door of the house, from that point on, no shoes and that was the way I lived there, certainly an acquired habit, which became part of my routine and that I brought with me when I returned to Spain.

Many countries share this same custom, whether for cultural, hygienic or religious reasons: Japan, Thailand, China, Australia, Russia, Canada, among others.

1- Leave microorganisms and dirt from the street outside the house:

Take off your shoes: 5 reasons to walk barefoot at home
Vadmary / Canva

A study by the University of Arizona, USA, pointed out that it is possible to carry up to 400 viruses, bacteria and parasites on the soles of shoes and more recently, a report by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that shoes are one of those responsible for transporting the coronavirus from one place to another.

When going out into the street, we are subject to stepping on unsanitary places, public restrooms, animal feces, among others. No, you don't have to make your home a sterile environment like an ICU, that's not it. Germs are part of our routine and we come into contact with them all the time, it's true, but the question is: When you come home, do you feel comfortable entering your home, your sacred temple, carrying all this on the sole of your shoe inside? Think about it.

2 – Strengthen the foundation of your 'building'

The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and together, the two feet make up 25% of the bones in the entire body. So, as for a skyscraper, the foundation is a fundamental part of its structure, so are the feet for our body, they are fundamental for the maintenance of our general balance and posture.

Walking barefoot strengthens the muscles of the feet and plantar arches, improving balance and body awareness, which can also benefit knees, hips and spine.

3 – Improve your proprioception and balance:

Take off your shoes: 5 reasons to walk barefoot at home
G-stockstudio / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Proprioception is our ability to guide and unconsciously perceive space, without using vision. Wearing uncomfortable shoes makes proprioception difficult, walking barefoot helps restore our natural walking pattern, also known as gait.

4 – Pandemic times, new habits:

During the new coronavirus pandemic, the habit of taking off your shoes before entering the house is no longer seen as a freshness or craze and it becomes increasingly common to remove your shoes at the entrance to the house. For many people, this attitude seems to be part of the same ritual of washing your hands, wearing a mask and using alcohol to sanitize your hands.

5 – Want another reason? The great cleaning assistant.

The difference is surprising! Clean floors and carpets for much longer (even at home with a pet and garden, like here) and the bill is quite simple: if you don't bring dirt into your home, it stays clean longer and from breaking the cleaning is much easier and faster.


Take off your shoes: 5 reasons to walk barefoot at home
Milaspage / Getty Images / Canva

To encourage the habit, you can leave a stool right at the entrance of the house to make it easier to put on and take off your shoes. Although there are many options on the market, such as shoe racks, puffs and baskets, a stool is enough to get started.

Important! Adaptation

Each person finds the best way to make the transition and some, who have never walked barefoot, choose to wear slippers or flip flops for the first few days and gradually remove them. This includes the strange feeling of stepping on the 'icy' floor, for example, as cold floors such as ceramic and porcelain tiles are quite common in a country with a hot climate like ours and some people choose to wear non-slip socks in the first few days. In some regions of Spain where the climate is colder, it is common for the floor to be 'warm', such as wooden floors and floors, therefore naturally comfortable to step on and walk barefoot.

  • Learn how to create a peaceful space at home
  • Understand the reasons to take off your shoes when you get home
  • Study the meanings of dreaming about shoes
  • Find out why everyone needs an emotional cleanse
  • If the floor of your house is slippery, pay attention to wet areas, such as the bathroom and laundry area, a non-slip mat is a good choice in these places.
  • People with diabetes mellitus should consult their physician before going barefoot.
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