The relationship of photography with time and emotions

    Increasingly present in our daily routine, the art of photography involves aspects that go far beyond a simple click, and you will already know why.

    With the advent of technology, painting portraits were replaced by something much more practical and accessible to all strata of society, the art of photographing by cell phone. Simple as that, in a matter of seconds we take the most diverse photos, whether of food, landscapes, or ourselves.

    And you know what all the portraits have in common? Without exception, whether in painting or photography, you know what? Yup. Everyone seeks to register a certain moment, but if we are to analyze it, it is charming to think that it is about the fragmentation of time, and this occurs when we decide to register something, and in 20, 30 years we will be returning memories through a simple portrait. This means that, no matter how much we are in another time, millennia ahead of us, that moment will always be alive, because it is as if time were paused, it would be the most practical way to relive what has already passed, feel again the emotions that led you to register that moment.

    You know that vacation trip of yours that made you so happy? Well then, go and look at the photos you've probably taken, and now experience the feeling of reliving that moment.

    That's the big question, we have the power to experience various feelings, because the time that is fragmented will always be like that, simultaneously between all the epochs of this Universe. It is not necessarily necessary to live the moment that is registered to feel it. Come on, try analyzing a photo of your friend, does he smile? What he is doing? What feelings does it arouse in you? Now reflect on this.

    The relationship of photography with time and emotions
    Diego Cervo / Canva

    Let's take a contrary example, how many images of tragedies do we experience in our daily lives? Many, right? These portraits have the power to invoke feelings of anguish and fear for not being able to show us what tomorrow would be like. But at the same time they can make us feel like we're there.

    Are you understanding the power of feeling something even without having experienced it?

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    Now, understanding the power that photography has, allied to feelings and, mainly, to time, be sure to add any good feeling that a photograph can bring you, remember that this joy will not be momentary, you just have to register it. so you can feel it whenever you want. You are the one who decides what to absorb and what to perpetuate emotions so that in the future you can experience those same emotions, and other people too, creating a permanent cycle of good vibrations.

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