Systemic Workshop: Results of the Healing Journey

Systemic Workshop: Results of the Healing Journey

Hello loved ones and loved ones.

You've heard the term "redundantly redundant". Well, if you haven't heard it, it's no use looking it up in the dictionary…lol. I use this term to say that it is much more than redundant.

And this Healing Journey was no different from the others.

I always hit this key: when I need to CURE something in myself, I share it with other people, because they are common issues that I know can help, after all, we all have families, relationships, work and family conflicts:

“We are equal, we are part of the same global system”.

At the end of the Healing Journey, which moved me strongly, the so-called “voice” also came: Heal the other and heal yourself too – to that phrase that has accompanied me for years:

"Your Healing is my Healing and ours is the World's".

Systemic Workshop: Results of the Healing Journey

I didn't think twice and I already started the Therapeutic HELP Project, where I invited top professionals, who in addition to their other training, I had the pleasure of certifying them as Quantum Therapists and Constellators in my TCQ Course.

And it's amazing how well planted seeds generate solid trees with healthy fruits. THEY ACCEPTED my invitation! I explain a little more…

Through this project we have helped many people for several months through online groups, with online group Systemic Therapies and Constellations sessions:

Online group constellation? How about Rachel??

Well, I've been working in human development since I was very young. And as a good theoretical and field researcher, I tend to “invent these fashions”, you know? And over time they catch on, because I also teach them how to make and connect with the systems even though the group is online in other countries and states.

There were many testimonies of healing and reconnection with the inner child. Many participants were extremely grateful for the project. And where does that take us?

Systemic Workshop: Results of the Healing Journey

Well, despite my daily struggles, which you probably also have out there, helping people with so many stories, I also freed myself from issues that had been bothering for years. I don't want to say that this is magic or a guaranteed formula, but I can say that when we look with love at a situation and accept everything as it was, we can give new meaning, resignify and start looking with other eyes, transforming what could kill us. in engine that makes us live. Live for and with love!

I say this twenty-something years ago and with my mouth full, as I learned from my first parapsychology master: “If I can do it, so can you, just have faith, especially FAITH in yourself”.

Phrases like these you will hear a lot in this Workshop we hold. I believe that with him we closed with a flourish not only the project, but also the Journey of Healing.

Systemic Workshop: Results of the Healing Journey
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Systemic Workshop clears up doubts

I am grateful for everything and everyone, there is no value that pays what each one acquired in this journey and in the Help Project that came after.

May we be open to the new, to the new year that begins with a new blank notebook where we can write an old/new story, with a new vision and a new way of SEEING, BEING and LIVING!

God blesses.


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