Symbolic death, know the moment to transform

Death is one of the great forces of nature, in fact, it helps to compose life, because, for something to come to life, it needs before death, not necessarily physical, but also symbolic. This figurative death is also represented by transformation, by rest, by the pause before the impulse.

Death, if we are to analyze it in a deeper way, does not exist only in isolation, but together with (re)birth. An example of this is the baby itself, which, before being born to the physical plane, dies in the astral, symbolically clear. For, he leaves behind his old life, to live another one, or else, nature that lets itself die in winter, to be reborn intensely in spring and summer.

What does not change, starts to live stagnant, we take the example of water, which, when left still, starts to rot. The same happens to us, when we go a long time without reinventing ourselves, life starts to show us patterns of repetitions, which are not always so pleasant, which often stop our lives and even our organism.

If you are living a somewhat stuck phase in your life, feeling the same conflicts and feelings, noticing repetitive patterns that you cannot understand, or if you have lost the lust for life, if you walk without vitality, without will, without creativity, it is very likely that it's time for you to transform.

Symbolic death, know the moment to transform
Sage Friedman/Unsplash

Letting life flow, with death, is not always an easy task, however, it is necessary. However, this movement invites us to detachment. Release of what no longer serves us.

In Hindu culture and philosophy, there is a god called Shiva, this god, together with his feminine polarity Kali, carries the energy of destruction, of renewal. Shiva, with his cosmic dance, kills and destroys everything in his path, he literally dances with death. In analogy, we must learn from Shiva and Kali how to destroy everything that consumes us, that takes away our vitality; using our creativity.

Jungian psychology explains to us that when we use art, dance, poetry, whatever expression and creativity in general, we manage to “purge” some stored energies, together, we give voice to our soul, to our greater Self. (Self) and, therefore, we are able to transmute ourselves, to transform “no longer necessary” patterns. However, we can do it in our own way and daily.

Symbolic death, know the moment to transform
Ergita Sela/Unsplash

When we have dreams involving death, fights, fears, advice; when we find ourselves aimlessly, with boredom and internal conflicts; when we are on the verge of giving up on ourselves, weary and discouraged; when we indulge in vices, in entertainments that no longer serve us, in complaints and gossip, then it's time to do the cosmic dance; when your routine no longer satisfies you, when your routine thoughts lead you to anxiety, when loneliness knocks at your door, then it's time to let yourself die and let yourself flow to the river of life. How to do this? Finding what makes sense to you, what helps you move forward. Discovering what helps you let go of unwanted thoughts, feelings and actions. Hearing the voice of the silence that dwells in all of us. Looking at your dark, empty side and feeling what you've been avoiding for so long. Accepting who you are and starting to act differently. Ultimately, death comes in many forms.

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Realize which leaves need to be renewed on your tree, which waters are still and encourage yourself to change course. Take shelter. Dance with death to be reborn in a flowery way. Summon your inner audience and dance. Finally, remember to let yourself die, before life kills you without even having time to live.

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